This article is professionally consulted by Specialist level I MD, Nguyễn Thị Mận – Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Vinmec Đà Nẵng International Hospital. She has 10 years of experience in diagnosis, consulting, and treatment in the Obstetrics and gynecology field.
Intrauterine insemination is a common assisted reproduction technique (ART) for couples experiencing infertility. Measurement of serum beta-hCG concentration 14 days following IUI is a critical indicator of successful conception.
1. What is intrauterine insemination (IUI)?
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a method of conceptive that is performed by choosing the healthiest sperm from the husband and directly injecting it into the wife’s uterus around the ovulation time. Nowadays, this is a common method of infertility treatment, increasing the ability of successful conception for couples experiencing difficulties due to weak sperm problems, mild endometriosis, female reproductive abnormalities, or infertility without any clear cause.
IUI procedure includes the following steps:
- On days 2-3 of the menstrual cycle, the wife takes an ultrasound to check the uterus and ovaries. If everything is normal, ovarian stimulation medications are prescribed.
- On days 6-7 of the menstrual cycle, the second ultrasound is taken for the wife to assess ovarian response, then the doctor will adjust the dosage medication based on the ultrasound result and give the next ultrasound schedule. Ultrasound can be performed daily or every 2-3 days.
- If the ovarian follicle develops to a proper size, the wife will receive an ovulation-inducing injection and will be scheduled to return to the hospital 36-40 hours later for insemination.
- On the day of insemination, the husband will be indicated to provide semen. The semen will undergo preparation/washing, selecting motile and healthy spermatozoa for intrauterine insemination. Following insemination, the wife will rest for approximately 15 minutes before returning home. Regular activities are not usually restricted but strenuous activities should be limited, and medication should be taken as prescribed.
- Two weeks later, the wife will return to the hospital for a post-IUI serum hCG test to determine pregnancy.

2. Beta hCG concentration after 14 days of IUI
2.1 What is the hCG hormone?
hCG is a glycoprotein hormone that is secreted by placental trophoblast cells and is crucial for protecting and nourishing the fetus. hCG is secreted in the very early pregnancy stage, as soon as the fertilized egg moves into the uterus, so the hCG test helps detect pregnancy early.
An hCG level above 25mUI/mL indicates pregnancy, if the hCG index is less than 5mUI/mL, no pregnancy is conceived, and if the hCG level is between 6-24mUI/mL, it is necessary to monitor and further test to determine pregnancy.
Test: Beta hCG concentration is changed depending on gestational age.
hCG is a crucial hormone that is secreted in pregnancy. Beta hCG concentration is measured by mUI/mL unit. Let’s monitor the following test to know how Beta hCG concentration changes depending on gestational age.
Trắc nghiệm: Sự thay đổi nồng độ beta HCG thay đổi theo tuổi thai
hCG là một hormon quan trọng được tiết ra khi phụ nữ mang thai. Nồng độ beta hCG được tính theo đơn vị mUI/ml. Hãy cùng theo dõi bài trắc nghiệm sau đây để biết được Nồng độ beta HCG thay đổi theo tuổi thai như thế nào?2.2 What is the meaning of the hCG indicator after IUI?
Two weeks after insemination, the wife comes to the hospital to test the hCG index post-IUI. A beta hCG level above 24 mUI/mL 14 days post-insemination indicates pregnancy. In early pregnancy, the hCG index increases quickly, typically doubling every 48-72 hours. So, if the hCG index increases 1.5 times after 2-3 days from the last test, this suggests healthy fetus development. However, the hCG index increases slower than expected in several cases, and the fetus still grows normally. Pregnant women will be prescribed pregnancy care medication, prenatal care instructions, and regular check-ups.
If the hCG index exceeds normal limits, there are possible conditions such as multiple pregnancies, ectopic pregnancy, or molar pregnancy, ... If you experience any abnormal symptoms such as abdominal pain, abdominal stretching, or vaginal bleeding, you need to come to the hospital as soon as to possible to timely management.
If the hCG index is less than 5 mUI/mL, the woman is not pregnant. The husband and the wife will be advised to try natural intercourse. If no pregnancy is conceived after 2-3 months, they can return to the hospital for another insemination procedure.

In order to be examined and consulted precisely about the IUI technique, customers can come to the Assisted Reproductive Technique (ART) Center at Vinmec International Hospital. This is Vietnam's leading fertility center, employing a comprehensive, integrated approach to infertility treatment combining andrology and gynecology to deliver optimal solutions for each patient.
Advantages of choosing Vinmec:
- Modern equipment and internationally standardized cleanroom systems ensure superior lab quality. Single-cell incubators optimize embryo quality, increasing IVF success rates for each cycle.
- We offer the most advanced assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), assisted hatching, fertility preservation (embryo, sperm, and egg freezing for future use) to choose proper birth time as desired, day 5 embryo transfer, reducing multiple pregnancies, and advanced male infertility techniques (PESA, MESA, TEFNA, TESE).
- Besides the advanced assisted reproductive technique, our team comprises leading domestic and international fertility specialists with extensive experience and a strong reputation.
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