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What is Glanax, is it an antibiotic? In fact, Glanax 750 is a cephalosporin antibiotic whose main ingredient is Cefuroxime. Glanax 750mg is used in the treatment of some serious bacterial infections.
1. What is Glanax?
Glanax 750 belongs to the group of anti-parasitic and anti-infective, antifungal and viral drugs, with the main ingredient being Cefuroxime (in the form of Cefuroxime sodium) 750mg. Cefuroxime is a second generation cephalosporin antibiotic with a broad spectrum of activity and activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including beta-lactamase-producing strains.Glanax 750mg drug is prepared in the form of a powder for injection and is indicated for use in the following cases:
Treatment of severe infections including lower respiratory tract infections (including pneumonia), bone and joint infections , skin and subcutaneous soft tissue infections, bacteremia, urinary and genital tract infections, gonorrhea, meningitis. Prophylaxis of infection after surgery.
2. Usage and dosage of Glanax 750mg
Glanax 750mg is used by injection, can be injected intramuscularly or intravenously. For intramuscular injection, the way to use is as follows:
Put 3ml of sterile aqueous solution into the vial for injection. Shake the vial gently so that the medicine is completely dissolved. Use the needle to withdraw the entire dissolved drug solution for deep intramuscular injection. For intravenous injection, the way to use Glanax 750mg is as follows:
Dissolve the drug with 8ml of sterile water solution for injection. Inject the entire solution by slow intravenous injection over a period of 3 - 5 minutes. With the patient receiving fluids, inject the drug solution into the tube of the infusion set. Note on how to use Glanax 750mg, do not mix the drug with antibiotics of the Aminoglycoside group in the syringe.
Dosage of Glanax 750mg for each patient is as follows:
Adults: The recommended dose is 750mg/time (corresponding to 1 vial), 8 hours apart each time. For severe infections, intravenous injection dose of 1.5g (corresponding to 2 vials), 6 - 8 hours apart. Children (including young children): The recommended dose is 30-60mg/kg body weight/day. The maximum dose is 100mg/kg body weight/day and divide the total dose into 3-4 times a day. Newborns have the same total dose but also need to split the total dose into 2-3 times a day. Dosage of Glanax 750mg for each patient in the treatment of meningitis is as follows:
Adults: Intravenous dose of 3g/time, each time 8 hours apart. Children: Intravenous dose of 200-240mg/kg body weight/day, divided into 3-4 times a day. Neonates: Intravenous dose of 100mg/kg body weight/day, if prescribed by the doctor, the dose can be reduced to 50mg/kg body weight. Dosage of Glanax 750mg in the treatment of gonorrhea is a single dose of 1.5g intramuscularly. Or it can be divided into 2 injections into 2 different injection sites, each injection of 750mg.
Dosage of Glanax 750mg in the treatment of postoperative infection prevention is as follows:
Before surgery: 1.5g intravenous dose. After surgery: Intramuscular dose 750mg / time, each time 8 hours apart, within 24-48 hours. Dosage of Glanax 750mg in patients with renal impairment is adjusted depending on the specific clearance as follows:
Creatinine clearance is in the range of 10-20ml/min: 750mg/time, 12 hours apart. Creatinine clearance less than 10ml/min: 750mg/time/day. Dosage of Glanax 750mg in patients undergoing dialysis is as follows:
After dialysis: 750mg. Peritoneal dialysis: 750mg/time, 2 times/day. Overdose of Glanax 750mg can cause symptoms such as convulsions, nervous excitability reactions, mainly appearing in people with kidney failure. In case of drug overdose, patients should receive supportive treatment and symptomatic treatment such as:
Infusion, ventilatory support, respiratory protection. If convulsions occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately and anticonvulsant measures taken as indicated. To reduce serum concentrations of Glanax 750mg, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis can be performed.
3. Side effects of Glanax 750mg
Glanax 750mg medicine can cause some unwanted side effects with the frequency of occurrence as follows:
Common: Diarrhea, lumpy skin rash, thrombophlebitis at injection site and burning pain. Uncommon: Nausea, vomiting, urticaria, rash, anaphylaxis, Candida superinfection. Glanax 750mg drug rarely causes increased serum creatinine concentration, leukopenia and neutrophils, eosinophilia, positive Coombs test. Rare: Pseudomembranous colitis, erythematous skin rash, toxic epidermal necrolysis, fever, nephrotoxicity with increased urea and serum creatinine (temporary), interstitial nephritis. Glanax 750mg rarely causes hemolytic anemia, cholestatic jaundice, elevation of AST and ALT (mild), headache, arthralgia, agitation, convulsions (in case of high dose drug in patients with renal failure). If you see any strange symptoms after taking Glanax 750mg, the patient should stop taking the drug immediately and notify the doctor, especially in case of pseudomembranous colitis, allergic reaction, hypersensitivity.
4. Some notes when using Glanax 750
Do not use Glanax 750mg in people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. Before taking the drug, it is necessary to find out if the patient is allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, cephalosporin antibiotics can still be used, but should be used with caution, especially if the patient has experienced anaphylaxis when taking penicillin. People with a history of digestive diseases such as colitis should be cautious when using Glanax 750mg. During the course of taking the drug, the patient should be checked and monitored for kidney function, especially in the case of taking the drug with the maximum dose. Caution should be exercised when high doses of Glanax 750mg are used in combination with potent diuretics, as the drug may cause renal failure. In patients with chronic or temporary renal impairment, the daily dose should be reduced. Pregnant women are only allowed to use Glanax 750mg in cases of real need, especially women in the first months of pregnancy. Women who are breastfeeding should stop breastfeeding if taking the drug. Concomitant use of Glanax 750mg with Aminoglycoside antibiotics may increase nephrotoxicity; Probenecid with Probenecid may increase plasma concentrations of the drug and increase the potential risk of unwanted side effects. In order to limit drug interactions that adversely affect health and treatment effectiveness, patients need to inform their doctors about drugs they have been taking or are taking. The use of Glanax 750mg drug is to kill bacteria that cause severe infections in the lower respiratory tract, urinary - genital tract, bones and joints, bacteremia, ... In addition, the drug is also used to treat prophylactic infection prevention in patients after surgical surgery.
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