Possible side effects of Amapiride 2mg

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If the adjustment of diet and exercise fails when having diabetes, the use of drugs is a mandatory indication. The drug Amapirid 2mg is one of the drugs commonly used to treat patients with diabetes. So how should Amapirid 2mg be used?

1. What is Amapirid 2mg?

Amapirid drug 2mg is a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes with the main ingredient Glimepiride 2mg. The drug is in the form of tablets.

2. Indications and contraindications of Amapirid 2mg

2.1. Indications Amapirid 2mg is indicated for the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes mellitus), when the glycemic index cannot be controlled by improving diet, exercise and weight loss. reasonable. This drug can be combined with Metformin or Glitazone or with insulin.
2.2 Contraindications Patients who are allergic to one of the ingredients of the drug, or have a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to sulphonamides. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes mellitus). The patient was pre-coma or diabetic coma. Cases of acute illness. Diabetic hyperosmolar coma. Diabetic ketoacidosis. Liver failure, severe renal failure. Women who are pregnant or want to become pregnant, breast-feeding women (in case of necessity, they can stop breastfeeding to use Amapirid 2mg).

3. Dosage and how to use Amapirid 2mg

3.1. Dosage of Amapirid 2mg is a prescription drug, so it should only be used as directed by your doctor with the following dosage:
Initial dose: 1mg/day. After 1-2 weeks, if blood sugar is not controlled, increase by 1mg/day until blood sugar is controlled. The maximum dose is 8mg/day. Doses are usually in the range of 1-4 mg/day, rarely up to 6 or 8 mg/day. Doses higher than 4mg/day only have better results in some special cases. Consider to adjust the dose for patients in the following cases: When treatment is for a while, the amount of Amapiride 2mg drug may be reduced due to the body's improved insulin sensitivity. To avoid hypoglycemia, it is necessary to reduce the dose or discontinue the drug in time. The patient's weight and activity changes. Factors that may increase sensitivity to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. It can also be used in combination with other non-beta-directed oral antidiabetic agents. 3.2. How to take Amapirid 2mg is taken orally once a day, before or right in the morning with a lot of food or before the first main meal of the day.

4. What to do when overdose, forget dose of Amapirid 2mg?

4.1. Symptoms: Overdose leads to hypoglycemia symptoms such as headache, weakness, tremors, sweating, cold and moist skin, anxiety, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, nervousness, restlessness. , chest tightness, arrhythmia, nausea, vomiting, somnolence, decreased concentration, decreased flexibility, decreased responsiveness, speech disturbance, sensory disturbance, paresis, dizziness, confusion vision, somnolence, confusion, loss of consciousness, depression. When the patient is comatose, shallow breathing, slow heart rate. Signs of severe hypoglycemia can resemble a stroke. These symptoms may appear 24 hours after taking Amapiride 2mg medicine.
Mild cases: let the patient drink glucose or white sugar 20-30g mixed in 1 cup of water and monitor blood glucose. Give 1 dose every 15 minutes until the blood glucose level returns to the normal range. Severe cases: If the patient is comatose or unable to drink, 50ml of 50% glucose solution must be injected rapidly into the heart. After that, a slow intravenous infusion of 10-20% solution is required to bring the blood glucose readings up to the normal range. Continuous monitoring of blood glucose for 24-48 hours is necessary, because recurrent hypoglycemia is easy to occur. If the condition does not improve, glucagon 10mg can be given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. In case of taking too much Amapirid 2mg, it is necessary to wash the stomach and give activated charcoal. 4.2. Missed dose: Never take a double dose when it is discovered that you have missed a dose. Take the daily dose as directed when you remember it as soon as possible and do not take it near the time of your next dose. Patients should schedule their medication at the same time of day to avoid missed doses.

5. Side effects when using the drug Amapirid 2mg

Some undesirable effects may be encountered when taking Amapirid 2mg by degree:
Common: Dizziness, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, feeling of fullness in the epigastrium, abdominal pain, diarrhea bleeding, when starting the drug there is often a temporary visual disturbance due to the change in the blood glucose index. Uncommon: Pruritus, erythema, urticaria, pruritus, allergic reaction. Rare: Increased liver enzymes, decreased red blood cells, jaundice, impaired liver function, mild or severe thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, photosensitivity, leukopenia, allergic vasculitis.

6. Drug interactions

Need to be considered when using in combination with other drugs during the treatment of diabetes with Amapirid 2mg, specifically:
Increased blood sugar lowering effect is very dangerous when combined with drugs such as insulin, chloramphenicol, derivatives coumarin, cyclophosphamide, disopyramide, ifosfamide, MAO inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, probenecid, miconazole, quinolones, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the dose of Amapiride 2mg. Increased blood glucose when combined with diuretics such as thiazides, corticosteroids, diazoxide, catecholamines and other sympathomimetic drugs, glucagon, nicotinic acid, estrogen...

7. Notes and storage of Amapirid 2mg

7.1. Note Prepare food and eat immediately after taking the medicine.. Do not drink alcohol, beer or other alcoholic substances during the time of taking the medicine. All patients assigned to take Amapirid 2mg are explained to seriously follow a reasonable diet and exercise. Patients and family members need to be informed about the causes, symptoms and treatment of hypoglycaemic events. Subjects such as people with malnutrition, adrenal insufficiency, liver failure, and pituitary failure, especially renal failure, are very susceptible to hypoglycemia when taking Amapirid 2mg. When hypoglycemia is detected, it is necessary to treat as in the case of overdose above. Over the course of treatment with Amapirid 2mg, stable patients may also become uncontrollable under stress, trauma, surgery, infection, and high fever. In this case, insulin should be used in combination or alone. It is not recommended to drive a vehicle or operate machinery when starting treatment (due to temporary visual disturbances or changes in blood glucose levels) or changing therapy or when not taking Amapiride 2mg regularly due to flexibility and The patient's response is impaired. If you become pregnant while being treated with Amapirid 2mg, you should immediately notify your doctor so that you can switch to insulin and adjust the insulin dose accordingly. 7.2 Storage The drug should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from light.
Above is important information about Amapirid 2mg drug, using it for the right purpose helps the treatment process to be highly effective and minimize side effects.
Amapirid drug 2mg is a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes with the main ingredient Glimepiride with the strength of 2mg. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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