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Articles in Diabetes treatment

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Instructions on how to use and note the use of Biguanide (Metformin) antidiabetic drugs
Metformin is a biguanide antidiabetic drug that is being used a lot today. Therefore, it is very important to understand and use this medicine correctly.
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Classes of drugs for the treatment of diabetes
There are many types of antidiabetic drugs with different effects depending on the goals and treatment regimen of the patient. If the patient has type 2 diabetes, the treatment drug groups are usually oral pills, while the type 1 diabetes patients mainly use insulin to treat.
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Uses of Meyerviliptin 50mg
Meyerviliptin medicine 50mg increases the amount of insulin produced in the body, reduces the amount of glucagon produced by the pancreas, inhibits the liver from secreting more sugar. Therefore, Meyerviliptin 50mg helps to reduce blood sugar in patients with diabetes mellitus.
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What are the effects of Staclazide 60 MR .?
Staclazide 60 MR with gliclazide as the active ingredient is used to treat non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus type 2. So how does Staclazide affect the effectiveness of the treatment? We invite you to read through the following article
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What is Metformin 850mg?
Metformin has been shown to be effective in the treatment of type 2 diabetes of the biguanide group. So what is Metformin 850mg?
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Uses of Repaglinide
Repaglinide is a drug used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Below is information about Repaglinide, its uses as well as instructions for safe and correct use of the drug.
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Uses of melanov m
Melanov m is used in the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus with or without obesity in adults. Melanov-m belongs to the group of endocrine drugs with many uses. So what does melanov-m do?
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Side effects and contraindications of the drug Sitagliptin 100 mg
Sitagliptin is a new generation antidiabetic drug, acting on a different mechanism than previous antidiabetic drugs. What are the effects and contraindications of Sitagliptin 100 mg?
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Uses of Zlatko 100
Zlatko 100 is a new antidiabetic drug that has a hypoglycemic effect by a different mechanism than previous antidiabetic drugs. For information about the drug, please refer to the article below.
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Hasanbose 50 side effects
The most common side effects when using Hasanbose 50 are on the digestive system, such as diarrhea, bloating, flatulence... Therefore, it is advisable to start prescribing to patients from the lowest effective dose. and gradually increase until the desired treatment results are achieved.
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Uses of Metovance
Metovance medicine contains the main ingredients Metformin HCl and Glibenclamide. The drug is effective in the treatment of type 2 diabetes with the aim of controlling blood sugar.
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