Broncho Vaxom is a respiratory immune booster

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Broncho Vaxom is known as a drug that works as a vaccine, helping to strengthen respiratory immunity. The drug is prescribed by a doctor and should not be used in children under 6 months of age.

1. What are the uses of Broncho Vaxom?

Broncho Vaxom is a dry form of certain types of bacteria that have been inactivated, helping the body create antibodies to fight those bacteria. The drug has certain strengths and limitations. The drug will work when the patient has diseases caused by that bacteria. The drug will not work when the patient has an illness caused by other bacteria or viruses.
Broncho Vaxom helps to strengthen the immune system and is effective on the respiratory system to prevent acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and recurrent bacterial infections of the airways. Simultaneously, combined treatment of acute respiratory infections.
In many cases, patients will experience side effects of drugs related to digestive disorders such as: Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting; headache, rash, eczema, itchy rash. Respiratory disorders such as: Shortness of breath, asthmatic cough and systemic reactions such as; fatigue, fever, allergic reactions.
Đau bụng buồn nôn khi tiếp xúc chất cồn
Một số trường hợp thuốc sẽ gây ra tác dụng phụ liên quan đến rối loạn tiêu hóa

Regardless of any drug reaction, the patient should notify the doctor for timely treatment. Many patients, when they forget to take a dose, automatically double the prescribed dose. This is a wrong way to use drugs that cause serious harm to the body. In this case, take the supplement immediately. But if it is almost time for your next dose, skip it and take your next dose on time.

2. Dosage of Broncho Vaxom

Broncho Vaxom has 2 products: Broncho Vaxom Adult (for adults) and Broncho Vaxom Child (for children 6-12 months old). The drug is not used in children under 6 months of age. For each patient, the doctor will prescribe a different dose of the drug.
With Broncho Vaxom Adult (for adults): Take 1 capsule/day on an empty stomach. Drink continuously for 10 days/month. Use for 3 months. In the case of acute treatment, the patient will take 1 tablet/day on an empty stomach. Drink for at least 10 days until the symptoms are gone. In the course of treatment, patients taking antibiotics should be combined with Broncho Vaxom from the beginning of the treatment process.
Broncho Vaxom
Broncho Vaxom có chế phẩm riêng dành cho trẻ em

Broncho Vaxom Child (for children 6-12 months old): Take 1 tablet or pack/day on an empty stomach, give it to your baby to drink continuously for 10 days/month, for 3 months straight. In the case of acute treatment, take 1 tablet on an empty stomach/day, then stop taking it until the symptoms are gone. If the child has to take antibiotics, combine Broncho Vaxom right from the start of treatment.
Babies from 6 to 12 months old, may not be able to swallow capsules, parents can open and mix the powder into water, juice, milk...

3. Notes on drug use

Broncho Vaxom is used as a vaccine, so patients need to be cautious when using the drug, as prescribed by the doctor, especially in the following cases: Pregnancy, lactation, surgery art...
According to experts, Broncho Vaxom may interact with some other drugs. To lessen the effect of your medication, make a list of all the medicines you are taking for your doctor or pharmacist.
Người bệnh cần sử dụng thuốc đúng theo chỉ định của bác sĩ

The drug can interact with some foods and drinks such as alcohol and tobacco
Patients should note to protect the medicine at room temperature, avoid moisture, and avoid light. Avoid storing medicine in the bathroom, in the freezer. Patients should carefully read the storage instructions on the packaging, keep out of reach of children and pets.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit examination and treatment at the Hospital.
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Respiratory diseases in children - Asthma How to treat and care for children with upper respiratory tract infections Diagnosis and treatment of bronchitis: What you need to know
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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