Early gray hair disease in children

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Cao Thi Thanh - Pediatrician - Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Premature graying of hair occurs mainly due to genetic causes. However, in modern life, psychological causes and eating habits in children cannot be ruled out. Parents need to cooperate with the doctor for highly effective treatment.

1. Definition of premature graying of hair in children

Premature gray hair is defined as the appearance of white hairs on the head with alternating black hairs, occurring before age 20 in Caucasians, before age 25 in Asians, and before age 30. in Africans.

Trắc nghiệm: các chỉ số cần chú ý về sự phát triển thể chất của trẻ

Chiều cao, cân nặng của bé ở từng giai đoạn nên là bao nhiêu là bình thường, bao nhiêu là bất thường? Cùng ThS.BS Ma Văn Thấm điểm lại xem bạn đã nắm được các chỉ số phát triển thể chất của bé chưa nhé!

The following content is prepared under supervision of Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa, Ma Văn Thấm , Nhi , Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

Ma Văn Thấm
Ma Văn Thấm
Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa,
Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

2. Causes of premature graying of hair in children

Genetics: Children born into families with parents with premature graying of hair have a higher risk of premature graying than other families. An autosomal dominant gene mutation often causes vitiligo, a tuberous fibroma that causes premature graying of hair. Metabolic diseases: Metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hyper/adrenal insufficiency, liver enzymes, high cholesterol levels, etc. Both increase the risk of premature graying of hair. Specifically, hyper/hypothyroidism disrupts hormone production, affects melanin production in hair follicles, and causes premature graying of hair. Mental life: Stress due to study, excessive video games, staying up late, psychological trauma, insomnia, etc. Both increase the risk of premature graying of hair. Unhealthy diet: A greasy diet, a preference for fast food, causes increased cholesterol secretion, weakens hair roots, disrupts hair growth, causes premature graying of hair. Lack of vitamins and micronutrients such as iron, copper, and zinc also increase the risk of premature graying of hair. Secondhand smoke: Passive smoking is also the cause of premature graying of hair in children. In the composition of tobacco has the function of oxidizing cells, reducing the ability to produce melanin, causing premature graying of hair. Shampoo and soap: Some shampoos and soaps contain harmful chemicals that damage the hair, making it dry and dull. Therefore, you should choose for children mild shampoos, with natural herbal extracts with added nutrients for children.

Bệnh tóc bạc có yếu tố di truyền
Bệnh tóc bạc có yếu tố di truyền

3. How to improve early gray hair in children?

It is very difficult to completely treat premature graying of hair. Instead, the doctor suggested providing nutrition to reduce the amount of gray hair on the head. Some nutrients need supplement, including:
Vitamin A : Vitamin A helps healthy scalp and shiny hair. This vitamin is found in green vegetables and yellow fruits. Vitamin B: Vitamin B regulates oil secretion, thereby helping to make hair stronger and softer. Vitamin B is found in yogurt, green vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, cereals, bananas and liver. Minerals: Some minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper have the effect of making hair strong and preventing the aging process. Zinc is abundant in chicken, red meat, and green vegetables. Iron is found in eggs, red meat, dried apricots, wheat, parsley, beef, sunflower seeds. Copper is abundant in whole grains, seafood, and egg yolks. Protein: Protein works to increase hair shine and improve hair texture. Get protein by adding a variety of grains, soy, and meat to your child's diet. If the child is at risk of metabolic diseases, they should take the child to a full body examination, to check the endocrine, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. Check for signs of vitiligo, tuberous fibroids.
Build a scientific diet, lots of green vegetables, fruits, especially dark green vegetables, cabbage, pears, apricots, raspberries. Do not put pressure on children in studying and taking exams.

Vitamin và khoáng chất giúp cải thiện tình trạng tóc bạc
Vitamin và khoáng chất giúp cải thiện tình trạng tóc bạc

4. Premature gray hair - A sign that cannot be ignored

In many cases, early gray hair is not simply a gray hair condition, but a warning sign of more dangerous diseases. Specifically, gray hair in children is a suspected sign of cartilaginous sclerosis and vitiligo, the cause of hair loss. In addition, early gray hair in children is also a sign of seizures, tumors, thyroid disorders and other endocrine disorders. Therefore, parents need to take their children for early screening tests for the risk of diseases mentioned above.

5. Some safe hair care measures for children

5.1 Mixture of coconut oil - curry leaves Ingredients: Prepare a handful of curry leaves and 100ml of coconut oil. Procedure: Put coconut oil in a pot, bring to a boil. Place the curry leaves in the heated oil. Wait for the mixture to cool and then pour it into a bottle. Apply oil to the child's hair every day and gently massage for 10-15 minutes, then incubate the hair. Do it for 3 months for best results. 5.2 Mixture of coconut oil - dried melon Ingredient: Prepare half a cup of dried melon, a cup of coconut oil Process: Chopped melon, dried in the shade until dry. Then, soak in coconut oil for 3-4 days. Place the mixture in a saucepan, and simmer until the oil turns black. Filter out the loofah, put the oil mixture into a glass bottle to use gradually. Use this mixture to massage your baby's scalp twice a week.

Dầu dừa có tác dụng nuôi dưỡng tóc an toàn cho trẻ
Dầu dừa có tác dụng nuôi dưỡng tóc an toàn cho trẻ
5.3 Sesame oil - carrot mixture Ingredients: Prepare 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, 1 cup of sesame oil, 1 cup of carrot juice. Process: Mix fenugreek seeds, sesame oil and carrot juice together, put in a jar, dry in the sun for 21-25 days. Then, use this mixture to apply to the baby's scalp, gently massage for 3 months to achieve results. 5.4 Lemon Juice & Almond Oil Ingredients: 1 cup almond oil, 1⁄4 cups lemon juice Procedure: Mix almond oil with lemon juice, then massage gently onto baby's scalp. Leave overnight, then wash your hair with shampoo. 5.5 Black Tea Ingredients: Prepare 1 teaspoon of black tea leaves, 1 cup of water. Process: Cook tea leaves in hot water and filter out the leaves. Apply black tea juice to oily skin and incubate hair for 1 hour. Then wash the baby with cold water without shampoo.

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5.6 Pureed guava leaves Ingredients: Prepare 1 handful of guava leaves Process: Puree guava leaves. Apply the crushed leaves to the baby's scalp. Incubate your hair for half an hour and rinse with cold water. Use this method 2 times a week. Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, there are general health checkup packages for babies. In the health checkup package, your baby will receive a comprehensive examination, from eyes, teeth, blood pressure, weight to necessary tests, combined with imaging diagnosis and assessment of muscle function. liver, kidney, blood sugar, nutritional status and hepatitis B virus. The examination package helps you check your baby's overall health, screen for symptoms for early detection and treatment if needed.
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