Does high white blood cell while you’re pregnant dangerous?

During 9 months pregnancy, momies often changes shapes, physical and mental. High white blood cells is one of these changes referred to hematology while pregnant. But does it dangerous?

1. What are leukocytes? Are they important?

Leukocytes are white blood cells in the body’s immune system. Leukocyte helps fight back and destroy those foreign substances that harm the body. In addition, they are found in the majority of other organs. In contrast, determining exactly whether you are healthy or not depends on the level of white blood cells.

The main purpose of leukocyte is strengthen the immune system. However, each leukocyte is produced in the medulla have different function.

  • Neutrophils: Neutrophils are the biggest in quantity and have a important role in antibacterial or antifugitive
  • Monocytes: this kind of leukocyte absorb bacterial toxins and finally destroy them.
  • Eosinophils: with the mission to cover the body, antiparasite and allergies during pregnancy.
  • Basophils: this kind often make up less than 1% in the total leukocyte. They helps maintain the blood flow and increase cells. Improve the immune systems when the momies get sick.
  • Lymphocytes: with the role of producing antibiotic that fight off and emilitate invading cells.

2. What is the normal of pregnancy women’s leukocyte levels?

Leukocyte is a part of the immune systems. They prevent humans from infections and illness. A healthy person normally has between 4000 and 10000 cells/nm3. More than 8000 cells/nm3 is high and more than 100000 cells/nm3 could indicate a disease.

In pregnancy women, the leukocyte normally ranges from 4500 to 11000/nm3. When you’re pregnant, 6000/nm3 is the minimum to maintain. At the third trimester of pregnancy, it is safe to ranges from 12000 to 18000/nm3.

Except for that, the leukocytes might higher to appropriate with the fetal. In this case, there is no need for emergency action and worried. However, if the leukocyte levels is high along with symptoms like hypertension, fever, stress,  weight loss, nose bleeding,... You need to go see a doctor for examination and treatment.

3. Does it dangerous when leukocyte increase during the pregnancy?

During pregnancy, urine analytics plays an important role in assessing the momther’s health and the fetus’s development? Furthermore, the leukocyte levels in urine point out the risk of urinary tract infection during pregnancy. Therefore, does it dangerous when leukocyte increase during the pregnancy?

Normally, a healthy pregnant woman has leukocyte levels below 10. If the leukocyte levels passed the threshold, which mean you’re infected. Concurrently, the higher leukocyte levels in your urine, the worst the infection condition.

Toxaemia of pregnancy lead to many negative consequences effect the mother and baby’s health. The mother will loss weight abnomarlies, dehydration and preeclampsia if she develops toxaemia. If not identified and treated quickly, it will leaves dangerous consequences like hypertension, hemiplegia, nephritis, miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery. Toxeamia child might have underdevelopment, innate deformity and a weak immune system.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, high leukocyte levels might cause early delivery. The baby may be underdevelop and have a weak immune system and result in innate deformity.

4. The reason why leukocyte increase while pregnancy

This following risk might be the reasons that cause high leukocyte levels while pregnant

4.1. Infection

Bacterial and fungal infection both cause fever and urinary tract infection. Which made the leukocye levels go up high while pregnant. Therefore, momies should keep yourselves warm and secure by taking additional vitamin, keeping your genital area clean, avoiding infection so that prevent increasing leukocyte levels while pregnant.

4.2. Inflammation

When the body inflammed or had an agllery. The leukocytes migrate to certain areas then grow right there so that the leukocyte levels go high.

4.3. Stress

Stress while pregnant is the main reason due to emotion and physical. Long-term stress usually cause high leukocyte levels. Which protect our body from harmful effect. Therefore, avoid overthinking, which might control leukocyte levels better.

4.4. Usually holding your urine

When you are pregnant, the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, especially in the last months of pregnancy, making you feel the need to urinate frequently or even the possibility of pee leakage from coughing or laughing. This is very easy to irritate. In addition, due to the characteristics of each person's working environment, many people tend to hold their urine. Holding urine for a long time causes the bladder to be irritated easily and very susceptible to infection.

In addition to the 4 common causes mentioned above, high white blood cell counts during pregnancy are also due to a number of other causes such as:

  • Some certain cancers such as bladder cancer or kidney cancer.
  • The use of painkillers can also has side effects that cause increased white blood cells.
  • An unreasonable lifestyle, unreasonable abstinence during pregnancy leads to nutritional deficiencies and sickle cell anaemia.

Hopefully these information has helped you understand the causes of high white blood cells in the blood during pregnancy and how dangerous it is for pregnant women. To minimize the increase in leukocyte, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle and take supplements of necessary nutrients for the body. By supplementing protein, increasing green vegetables and fruits. Additionally, you should have regular pregnancy check-ups according to the doctor's instructions to have a healthy pregnancy.

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