Many women worry that sexual intercourse or orgasm could harm their baby or jeopardize their pregnancy. And men may also fear harming their partner or the fetus during sexual activity. However, for the vast majority of women, sexual intercourse and orgasm are not only safe during pregnancy but can also be a healthy way to reduce stress and promote feelings of well-being.
Research has shown that sexual intercourse does not cause or increase the risk of negative outcomes for the baby or 1 mother. In a normal, healthy pregnancy, orgasm does not increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm labor. Sexual activity may even have positive benefits for pregnancy health by promoting feel-good hormones like oxytocin and increasing blood flow to the uterus. In this article, we will provide helpful information to help you better understand why orgasm during pregnancy does not harm the fetus.
1. Can you have sex during pregnancy?
“Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?” is a common question asked by many expectant couples to their obstetricians. The answer is yes, as long as it’s done safely. A pregnant woman may experience a higher sex drive and increased orgasms. Orgasms during pregnancy are completely normal and safe. In cases of a healthy pregnancy, orgasms do not increase the risk of premature birth or miscarriage. However, if your pregnancy is high-risk, doctors may recommend that you and your partner limit sexual activity.
Currently, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that orgasms during pregnancy are harmful to the baby. In fact, during a normal pregnancy, the penis cannot reach the fetus, and semen cannot enter the uterus because the cervix is blocked by a thick mucus plug that prevents sperm and bacteria from coming into contact with the fetus. When a woman has an orgasm, the cervix may contract more strongly and the fetus may move more, but this does not have a significant impact.
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2. When is Sex Unsafe During Pregnancy?
Your doctor may advise you to avoid sexual intercourse during pregnancy when:
You have abnormal bleeding: Spotting after sex during pregnancy is normal and may be due to the cervix being irritated by deep penetration. However, bleeding during early pregnancy can be a sign of miscarriage and is a cause for concern. Your doctor may recommend abstaining from sex until the pregnancy is stable.
The placenta is located low on the uterine wall: This is known as placenta previa, where the placenta is attached low on the uterine wall and partially or completely covers the cervix. Sexual intercourse in this situation increases the risk of heavy bleeding.
You have been diagnosed with a weak or incompetent cervix: This is when your cervix is not as strong and closed as it should be. The pressure of the baby's head on the cervix can cause it to open prematurely, sometimes leading to a miscarriage in the second trimester. A surgical procedure called a cervical cerclage may be performed to keep the cervix closed. Most doctors recommend no or very limited sexual activity.
Your water has broken: Having sex after your water breaks can increase the risk of infection. This can complicate childbirth and even be dangerous.
You are carrying triplets or more: When the uterus is stretched more than usual due to a multiple pregnancy, orgasm can increase the risk of preterm labor.
You are at risk of preterm labor: For example, if you have had a previous preterm birth, although not all women who have had a previous preterm birth will have another one, doctors still recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse as a precaution.
Another concern regarding sex is the presence of bacteria. Some bacterial infections can increase the risk of preterm labor, and sexual typo can introduce bacteria into the reproductive system.
3. Causes of Increased Sexual Pleasure During Pregnancy
For many women, pregnancy increases sexual pleasure. In fact, some women even experience their first orgasm during pregnancy. There are a few reasons for this increased sexual pleasure:
- Increased blood flow to the pelvic area
- Increased sensitivity in the pelvic area: Increased blood flow also means that your labia, clitoris, and vagina may be slightly swollen. This can also lead to increased stimulation.
Increased sensitivity to touch: Increased blood flow, along with slight swelling, plus higher hormone levels can lead to increased sensitivity when touched. This can make it easier to orgasm and may even lead to multiple orgasms for some women. - Increased size and sensitivity of the breasts: During pregnancy, your breasts prepare for breastfeeding. Changes include increased breast size, increased blood flow to the breasts, and the beginning of milk production. Your breasts may become more sensitive to touch, leading to increased arousal and pleasure.

4. Facts About Orgasm During Pregnancy
Orgasm can be a stress reliever: Orgasms cause an adrenaline rush. Having sex and reaching orgasm during pregnancy can boost your mood and reduce your stress levels, helping you sleep better. It can also help control your blood sugar levels and act as a type of stress reliever.
Preparation for childbirth: Orgasms help strengthen the pelvic floor, which is beneficial for childbirth. During labor, the pelvic floor stretches to help push the baby out. Orgasm is like a workout and can strengthen your pelvic muscles before the big day.
Strengthening smooth muscles: As your baby grows, your uterus expands, putting pressure on your organs, including your bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently. Orgasms can help strengthen the muscles that control the flow of urine.
Mood swings: Due to hormonal fluctuations, you may experience mood swings and sometimes feel depressed. Sex and orgasm can make you feel happy and joyful.
May cause cramps: This is quite common during pregnancy and varies in intensity for each orgasm. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps and subside on their own after a while.
5. Orgasms in Each Trimester
5.1. First Trimester In the first trimester, nausea and fatigue can interfere with sexual activity. However, this doesn't mean you won't want to have sex; in fact, your libido may increase. You may still feel increased blood flow and sensitivity in your pelvis and breasts, which, along with increased vaginal lubrication, can lead to quicker and more satisfying orgasms.
In some women, severe nausea can decrease sexual desire for a time, but don't worry; it will usually return to normal once the nausea subsides.

5.2. Second Trimester
This could be a great time to talk about orgasms as the nausea has passed and your body has stabilized. Sexual relations during the second trimester are considered to be ideal. Here are some things you may experience:
Easier orgasms: There are several reasons for this, the main one being that the increased blood flow during pregnancy makes your vagina more engorged, meaning it is more sensitive and easier to reach orgasm. This depends on each individual, but it happens to most pregnant women.
You may feel uterine contractions or cramps after orgasm: This is completely normal and can even happen when you're not pregnant. Don't worry - these contractions are not labor, it's simply the combined contractions when you reach orgasm. Cramps usually subside with rest.
Your belly may feel very hard: This is a completely normal phenomenon, whether you're pregnant or not. The stretched skin of your belly and the enlarged belly will make you feel this sensation more clearly.
Release of the love hormone - Oxytocin: When you're pregnant, your body already produces a lot of oxytocin, and when you reach orgasm, your body releases even more. This helps improve your mood and makes you happier.
5.3. Third Trimester
In the last trimester, your growing belly makes sex more difficult. You can still have sex even when you're pregnant, but you need to be creative with sexual positions. In the third trimester, there is also back pain and difficulty sleeping, which can reduce your libido.
Additionally, according to some beliefs, having sex in the days close to birth can facilitate a normal delivery because: your husband's semen will soften your cervix or after sex, the prostaglandin level in cervical mucus is 10 to 50 times higher after sex. Prostaglandin is a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions.
However, according to some randomized controlled studies of two groups of pregnant women who had regular sex and a group of women who did not have sex during pregnancy, the rate of premature birth did not occur in either group. In other words, sex does not speed up labor. In fact, sex is unlikely to lead to premature birth, and there is even at least one older study that found that sex in late pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk of premature birth.
Pregnancy is a special time for couples - make it even more special by going through it together and creating memories with your partner. You can have sex with your husband while pregnant whenever you feel like it. It will help strengthen your relationship and may even help stimulate labor in the final days of pregnancy.
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