8 Foods That Lower Testosterone Levels

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Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays an important role in health. Maintaining healthy testosterone levels is important for increasing muscle mass, improving sexual function, and increasing strength. What's more, changes in testosterone levels have been linked to a number of health conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart problems.

1. Foods That Can Lower Testosterone

Testosterone is one of the main sex hormones in the body. Although, men produce more testosterone, it is also an important hormone for women.
Testosterone promotes an increase in muscle mass, bone mass, body hair and affects reproduction. Normally, the body has the ability to effectively regulate hormones and keep testosterone levels where they should be. However, certain foods can interfere with this process by unbalanced hormone levels. So what to eat to reduce testosterone? Here are 8 foods that lower testosterone levels that we can avoid using them.

2. Some foods lower testosterone

2.1. Soy and soy products Some studies show that regularly eating soy products such as edamame, tofu, soy milk, and miso can lower testosterone levels.

Sữa đậu nành tốt cho sức khỏe
Sữa đậu nành tốt cho sức khỏe

For example, in a study done in 35 men it was shown that taking soy protein isolate for 54 days resulted in decreased testosterone levels. Furthermore, foods made from soy are also high in phytoestrogens. These are plant-based substances that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body by altering hormone levels and at the same time potentially lowering testosterone.
Although, research done in humans is limited, there is one study conducted in rats that showed that phytoestrogen consumption significantly reduced testosterone levels and prostate density.
However, a few other studies have shown mixed results that soy-based foods may not have as much of an impact as these isolated soy ingredients.
In fact, a review of 15 studies found that soy foods had no effect on testosterone levels in men. Therefore, further research is needed to understand how whole soy products may affect testosterone levels in humans.
2.2. Mint Perhaps mint is best known for its powerful stomach-soothing properties. However, some research suggests that peppermint may cause a drop in testosterone levels. In particular, spearmint and spearmint are two herbs from the mint family of plants that have been shown to have a direct impact on testosterone.
A study conducted over a period of 30 days in 42 women found that drinking peppermint herbal tea daily caused a significant drop in testosterone levels. Similarly, another animal study showed that administering menthol to rats for 20 days resulted in a decrease in testosterone levels. Or, another animal study also noted that drinking peppermint tea changed hormone levels in rats, leading to a decrease in testosterone, compared with a control group.
However, most research on peppermint and testosterone focuses on women or animals. Therefore, high-quality human studies with simultaneous focus on both sexes are needed to evaluate how mint affects testosterone levels in both men and women.
2.3. Licorice Root Licorice root is one of the commonly used ingredients to sweeten candy and beverages. It is also a popular natural remedy in holistic medicine and is commonly used to treat everything from chronic pain to a persistent cough.

Dùng rễ cam thảo mỗi ngày có thể làm giảm testosterone
Dùng rễ cam thảo mỗi ngày có thể làm giảm testosterone

In recent years, several studies have found that licorice can also affect hormone levels, and potentially lead to a decline in testosterone over time. A study done in 25 men who consumed 7 grams of licorice root daily showed a 26% decrease in testosterone levels after just one week.
Another small study conducted in women found that licorice may also reduce testosterone levels in women. Research results show that 3.5 grams of licorice taken daily reduces testosterone levels by 32% after just one menstrual cycle.
However, keep in mind that this only applies to licorice root and not licorice candies or products that do not contain licorice root ingredients.
2.4. Vegetable Oils Currently, there are many types of vegetable oils including canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil and cottonseed oil. These are oils that can provide polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are generally classified as healthy fat sources, but they can also lower testosterone levels, as some studies have suggested.
A study done in 69 men found that regularly consuming polyunsaturated fats was associated with significantly lower testosterone levels. Or, another study in 12 men showed the effect of diet on testosterone levels after exercise and reported that polyunsaturated fat intake was associated with low levels of testosterone.
However, recent studies are limited and most of them are observable with small sample sizes. Therefore, more high-quality studies are needed to examine the effects of vegetable oils on testosterone levels in the general population.
2.5. Flaxseed Flaxseed contains heart-healthy fats. In addition, it contains other important nutritional components such as fiber, vitamins and minerals.
However, some studies show that flaxseed can cause a decrease in testosterone levels. This is because flaxseeds are high in lignans. These are plant compounds that bind to testosterone and force it to be eliminated from the body. Furthermore, flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may also be associated with decreased testosterone.
In a small study of 25 men with prostate cancer, flaxseed supplementation and overall fat loss were shown to significantly reduce testosterone levels. Similarly, one case study reported that daily flaxseed supplementation reduced testosterone levels in a 31-year-old woman with polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition characterized by increased male hormones in women.

Hạt lanh giàu chất dinh dưỡng
Hạt lanh giàu chất dinh dưỡng

Even so, more large-scale studies are needed to further evaluate the effects of flaxseed on testosterone levels.
2.6. Processed Foods In addition to often being high in sodium, calories, and sugar, processed foods such as convenience meals, frozen foods and prepackaged snacks are also a source of trans fats. common.
Trans fat is an unhealthy type of fat that has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and inflammation. Plus, some studies have found that regularly consuming trans fats from sources like processed foods can lower testosterone levels.
A study done with 209 men found that those who consumed the highest amounts of trans fats had 15% lower testosterone levels than those with the lowest intakes. In addition, they also had a 37% lower sperm count and decreased testicular volume, which could be linked to decreased testicular function. In addition, animal studies have also found that large amounts of trans fats can lower testosterone levels and even reduce reproductive performance.
2.7. Alcohol Studies show that drinking too much alcohol can cause testosterone levels to drop drastically, especially in men. A study conducted in 19 healthy adults found that consuming 30-40 grams of alcohol per day (equivalent to about 2-3 standards) reduced testosterone levels in men by 6.8% over a three-year period. the week.
Another study also reported that acute alcohol intoxication was associated with increased testosterone in women but decreased testosterone levels in men. However, this evidence is not entirely clear when it comes to the effects of alcohol on testosterone.
In fact, both human and animal studies have had mixed results, because there are still some studies showing that alcohol can actually increase testosterone levels in certain cases. Therefore, further research on this issue is needed to understand how different amounts of alcohol have different effects on testosterone levels in the general population.
2.8. Nuts

Các loại hạt có thể làm giảm nồng độ testosterone
Các loại hạt có thể làm giảm nồng độ testosterone

Nuts are a great source of many important nutrients including fiber, heart-healthy fats, folic acid, selenium and magnesium. However, some research shows that certain nuts can lower testosterone levels.
A small study of 31 women with polycystic ovary syndrome found that walnuts and almonds increased sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels by 12.5% ​​and 16%, respectively. . SHBG is a protein that binds to testosterone, which can lead to a decrease in the level of free testosterone in the body. What's more, nuts are also often high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have been linked to decreased testosterone levels in some studies. Although some studies have supported these findings, more research is needed to determine how certain nuts may affect testosterone levels.
In summary, changing your diet is one of the most effective ways to maintain healthy testosterone levels. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of sleep, and getting the right amount of exercise can also boost testosterone naturally.

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Reference source: .healthline.com
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