Why do you lose sensation in your tongue?

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Numbness of the tip of the tongue and loss of taste is when you feel the swelling of the tongue, burning and loss of appetite. The most common causes of tongue numbness are allergic reactions to certain foods, hypocalcemia, bacterial infections such as Lymes disease, or conditions involving the nervous system. Knowing the cause of your burning tongue and loss of taste will help you access the right treatment options.

1. Common symptoms of burning tongue and loss of taste

Numbness at the tip of the tongue and loss of taste can also occur as numbness or loss of sensation in a part of the body. Many people have experienced this feeling when sleeping for too long on a crooked arm or typing for too long on a keyboard. However, numbness in the tip of the tongue and loss of taste is uncommon and can be very scary. Moreover, the feeling of numbness in the tongue can sometimes be combined with other symptoms to make the patient feel strange and uncomfortable.
Accordingly, the symptoms that may be experienced with numbness of the tip of the tongue and loss of taste include:
Burning of the tongue Feeling like a burning or tingling sensation A needle-like sensation Swelling of the tongue Itching Weakness of the tongue Facial pain These symptoms can occur alone on the tongue or near the tongue such as around the mouth. The duration of symptoms of numbness of the tip of the tongue and loss of taste is usually temporary. However, you shouldn't be complacent and it's important to see your doctor, determine the cause, and get appropriate care as soon as you notice symptoms of a burning tongue and loss of taste.

2. Causes of numbness of the tip of the tongue and loss of taste

Numbness is usually the result of trauma, compression, or irritation of a nerve or branch of one of the nerves in the affected body part. The tongue consists of nerves and small blood vessels that begin higher in the face and brain. Nerves and blood vessels branch in different directions to provide blood flow and sensation throughout the tongue.
Moreover, the tongue is also one of the first body parts exposed to the outside world whether it is food, drink or other substances, the tongue is the gateway to protect the body from harmful elements. Therefore, the tongue is very sensitive and there are many possible causes that affect the nerves and blood vessels in the tongue as well as trigger a protective response from the tongue.
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2.1 Causes of Inflammation Allergies: If the tongue comes into contact with foods or chemicals that the immune system recognizes as harmful, the tongue can swell, tingle, and numb as a result of the reaction. Autoimmune: Many inflammatory diseases or underlying diseases that lead the body to attack itself can also affect the nerves in the tongue and cause damage that leads to numbness. Conditions such as multiple sclerosis and lupus are examples of such autoimmune diseases. Infections: Bacterial infections like Lyme disease and viral infections like shingles can cause inflammation and nerve damage leading to numbness and paralysis of the face. This paralysis can spread to both the tongue and around the mouth. 2.2 Environmental causes Vitamin imbalance: Certain vitamins are essential for healthy nerve function, such as vitamins D and B12. A deficiency of these vitamins over time can lead to nerve damage and damage. Conversely, consuming too much vitamin B6 can also cause numbness.
Mineral imbalance: There are some minerals in the body such as calcium that are necessary for the general functioning of the body. A deficiency of these minerals causes hypocalcemia and can lead to tingling around the mouth, which feels very similar to numbness of the tongue.
2.3 Central Nervous System Conditions: Numbness in the tongue or around the mouth can often be a warning symptom of central nervous system conditions like migraine or impending stroke.
Metabolism: Disturbances in the processes the body does on a daily basis, such as regulating glucose (hypoglycemia), can also affect the way nerves work, causing numbness and itching Tingling in the tongue, mouth, and other body parts.
Blood vessels: Constriction of blood vessels in the tongue can lead to numbness of the tongue because the tongue is not getting the blood flow it needs.
2.4 Low blood calcium levels Hypocalcemia is a condition in which there are not enough functional calcium levels in the blood. This is a mineral found in the blood that helps the heart and other muscles work properly and is needed to maintain strong teeth and bones.
Common symptoms of hypocalcemia are fatigue, shortness of breath, malaise, general numbness, tingling in the legs. The definitive diagnosis is a blood test that measures calcium levels in the blood.
Although hypocalcemia is quite rare, especially when diet is adequate and there are no other underlying medical conditions, it is urgent and requires immediate intervention, before serum calcium levels drop. Too low can cause arrhythmias and sudden death.
2.5 Allergic Reactions When encountering harmful substances, the body responds with inflammation and swelling. In many people, the body reacts this way to normally harmless substances, like food or pollen. This is the basis of type 1 allergy or hypersensitivity.
The leading symptoms of an allergic reaction are swelling of the face, swelling of the lips, numbness of the lips, numbness of the tongue, rash, itchy throat, and worse, wheezing. wheezing, acute dyspnea, hypotension, collapse.
This is a serious condition that requires anti-allergic drug intervention before the allergic reaction becomes more severe and life-threatening.
Lưỡi rát và mất vị giác
Tê đầu lưỡi mất vị giác thường cảnh báo triệu chứng của bệnh nguy hiểm
2.6 Ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack A transient ischemic attack, or TIA, is sometimes called a "mini-stroke" or a "warning stroke". Any stroke means that blood flow somewhere in the brain has been blocked by a blood clot.
Risk factors for stroke include smoking, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, although anyone can get a TIA.
Symptoms are "transient", which means they come and go within minutes as the clot dissolves or moves on its own. Stroke symptoms include weakness, numbness, and paralysis on one side of the face and/or body, numbness of the tip of the tongue, loss of taste, weakness of the tongue causing slurred speech, swallowing, abnormal vision, and a sudden, severe headache. bouncing.
TIA does not cause permanent damage as it ends quickly. However, the patient must be treated because the TIA is a warning that a more dangerous stroke may occur. Therefore, when detecting stroke symptoms, it is necessary to bring the patient to the emergency room for timely diagnosis and intervention, and to limit later disability sequelae.
2.7 Bell's palsy Bell's facial palsy has an entirely different pathogenesis than stroke and can present as acute or chronic facial paralysis. This paralysis usually has a sudden onset and gets worse over 48 hours. Resolution of symptoms usually occurs within two weeks to six months but permanent paralysis occurs rarely.
Symptoms of bell palsy are usually localized, causing paralysis of the facial muscles and numbness of the tip of the tongue, loss of taste. Bell's palsy is caused by inflammation or damage to the facial nerve, which controls the muscles of the face. Treatment of Bell's palsy is aimed at reducing inflammation or targeting the underlying cause of facial nerve paralysis.
In summary, tongue numbness, burning tongue and loss of taste have many causes, the most common of which is damage to the nervous system and this is also the most dangerous cause along with the cause of reaction. allergy. Regardless of the cause, however, numbness in the tip of the tongue and loss of taste is always a warning sign of a dangerous condition. At this time, the patient needs to be examined and diagnosed the cause and treated promptly before more serious complications can occur.
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Reference source: medicinenet.com - buoyhealth.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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