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In Vietnam, the apple tree tree can be easily found anywhere, besides being the apple tree scene, it is also a commonly used oriental medicine. So, what are the effects of apple tree and can it be used for bathing babies?
1. Identifying characteristics of apple trees
The apple tree has the scientific name of Justicia gendarussa L, belongs to the family Acanthaceae and is also known by other names such as medicine, frequency... , the trunk and branches are dark green or purple. The leaves of the apple tree grow symmetrically, the leaf blade is about 4-14cm long, 1-2cm wide. The leaves of apple trees often have many black, yellow or brown spots caused by the fungus Puccinia Thwaitesii. The flowers of the apple tree tree usually grow on the top or axils of the leaves, the apple tree produces fruit in the summer, the fruit is about 1.2cm long with four seeds inside.
The apple tree is often used as medicine, ornamental or hedge, the tree is distributed in many Asian countries such as India, China, Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam. The apple tree tree used as medicine is harvested all year round, but the best time is around July, August. After harvesting, the apple tree can be used fresh or dried and stored in a cool place, avoiding high humidity. to use gradually. Almost all parts of the plant such as roots, stems, and leaves can be used as medicine.
2. What is the effect of the apple tree?
What is the effect of the apple tree? The apple tree has many uses and is widely used in oriental medicine in many countries:
In China, the roots of the apple tree are decoction and braking as a diuretic, antipyretic, analgesic, treatment for tuberculosis. lungs, rheumatism, boils, diarrhea. The leaves are used to treat fever, back pain, amenorrhea, migraine... In Thailand, the root is used to treat difficulty urinating, diarrhea, snakebite, bark to treat fever, cough and allergies. application . In India, the leaves of the apple tree are used as medicine against malaria, diarrhea, rheumatism, the root part is used to treat rheumatism, boils, jaundice, diarrhea... In Vietnam, the tree Apple bars are used to treat many different diseases such as sweating, numbness of hands and feet, open wounds, sprains, dislocations, medicine for fractures... treat boils, rash. Many parents wonder if apple leaves can be bathed for babies? Currently, apple tree leaves can be used to cook bath water for pregnant women after giving birth, and whether it is good to use apple tree for bathing babies, people should consult a pediatrician. Do not arbitrarily use apple tree leaves to bathe infants without a doctor's prescription because the apple tree contains a mildly toxic alkaloid.
Currently, experts have discovered that the apple tree contains compounds that help fight HIV, which is a good signal in the search and preparation of drugs to treat this century's disease. In addition, the extracts from the leaves of the apple tree have anti-fungal effects on skin diseases, inhibit the vascular donor activity associated with a number of diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, arthritis, solid tumors...
3. What are some remedies using apple tree?
Fresh apple tree can be easily found in the fences of many families in the countryside, but not everyone knows this is a traditional medicine with many different effects. Here are some remedies with the main ingredient being the apple tree:
Treatment of dark bleeding, blurred vision, dizziness in new mothers: Prepare 20-30g of apple sticks, watering seeds, and betel leaves. Drinking water during the day Treatment of bone pain: Use 30-50g of fresh apple bars or 10-15g of dried decoction to drink water during the day. Treatment of closed wounds with swelling: Use 50g of fresh apple bars or 10g of dried sharp with 850ml of water, until about 200ml are left, divided into 2 times a day. Treatment of sores, ulcers, boils: Use equal amounts of apple tree leaves and crushed crow's-billed leaves on the injured area once a day. Treatment of numbness and loss of sensation in hands and feet: Use 20g of apple tree bark, royal power, lead rope, poison along with 10g of millennium bale, mood core into drinking water. Postpartum treatment: Use 30g of apple tree, watering moringa, betel nut with 500ml of water, when there is about 200ml of water left, divide it into 2 drinks a day. Treatment of testicular pain, prolapse on one side of the testicle: Use 20-30g of apple tree root, white cork root, and red root into a pill to drink during the day. Treatment of sprains and joints: Use 20g of apple bars, 50g of fresh leaves, 20g of tonic, penetrating, and decoction for drinking water 1 month per day, should be taken while still warm. Although the apple tree has many useful effects in the treatment of a number of diseases, there is a certain amount of toxins in the tree, so the patient should note and consult the dosage with a traditional medicine doctor before using it. used to treat disease effectively and avoid poisoning.
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