Home Tag Pulmonary tuberculosis

Articles in Pulmonary tuberculosis

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Is Lung Calcification Dangerous?
Many individuals wonder whether pulmonary calcification is dangerous. Pulmonary calcification is a quite common lung condition, especially in patients who smoke frequently. Equipping yourself with knowledge about this disease is highly practical.
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Do Not Overlook Sudden Chills and Body Aches
Occasionally, you may experience sudden chills. According to experts, this is usually a normal occurrence. However, at times, sudden chills can signal an underlying medical condition. Therefore, if this symptom appears frequently, it is essential not to overlook it or take it lightly.
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Complications of Lymph Tuberculosis
When mentioning tuberculosis, many people often think of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, in addition to pulmonary tuberculosis, lymphadenopathy is also a common disease with many dangerous complications.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics