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Personality is unique to each person. Positive or negative personality affects the journey of each life with different choices: hobby, career, life partner... In addition, personality also affects your health. . Refer to the article below to know how personality affects health.
1. Extroverted Personality
Extroverts often like to interact and socialize. How does this personality affect health? The answer is that there seems to be a better immune system, which researchers can't exactly explain why. In one study, people they spent more time with were less likely to catch a cold.
2. People with narcissistic personality
Narcissism is a negative personality. Some men who feel they deserve more special treatment and are prone to taking advantage of others are more likely to have a number of health problems, including heart problems. This may be because researchers have found that they have abnormally high levels of the stress-related chemical cortisol in their system, even when they're not in a stressful situation. This is not the case for narcissistic women.
3. Optimistic personality
A person with an upbeat, positive mindset is a very good health influence, which can enhance your overall physical health. And if in the event you do get sick, that optimistic attitude can help you cope with it and have a better quality of life. Research shows that optimists can more easily accept illness and try to find humor in difficult situations.
4. Pessimistic personality
Some studies have shown that people who are pessimistic or frustrated and unhappy are often unappetizing. But other research has suggested that if you tend to expect the worst to happen, you can be more careful about your happiness and live longer.
5. Elastic personality
Resilience is the state in which people can be happy, happy, successful after something bad has just happened. If this personality is like you, then you can exercise more, engage with the world around you, and do your mind-motor activities, such as doing crossword puzzles, playing chess, ....Studies have found that these things can make you mentally sharper.
6. Patience character
Patience is likened to a "hard upper lip" approach to life, emphasizing independence, tolerance, not complaining in the face of discomfort, provocation. But this personality trait affects your health, which can cause health problems if you feel tired but you try to overcome it instead of getting help from a medical facility.
7. Devotion personality
This trait is associated with good health and longevity, partly because you are more likely to make the right decisions. Conscientious people tend to eat well and exercise regularly, and they are less likely to smoke, use drugs, drink too much, or abuse other unhealthy substances. In addition, they are also more likely to be financially well off and have stable relationships, which enhances happiness.
8. Impulsive personality
This negative personality can lead to many types of unhealthy activities, including alcohol and drug abuse and addictive behaviors such as gambling, compulsion, rape. It may also be linked to ulcers in men, but more research is needed to know for sure.
9. Anxious personality
Constantly worrying is a negative personality that you need to change. People who tend to be anxious or stressed are at a higher risk of a number of health problems, including heart disease and stroke. High levels of angina can also cause tension headaches and migraines.
10. Empowered
When you are empowered feeling that you have good control over your health. For example, you have the ability to take your medication in the correct dose and frequency as your doctor prescribes. However, it can also have a downside. If you feel encouraged to make decisions about your care when you don't necessarily have good information, that could cause problems.
11. Unfriendly
This personality is linked to a number of health problems, including heart disease. The researchers also found that people with high levels of anger and aggression may be more prone to certain types of migraines. In addition, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and binge eating are also possible.
Above is useful information about how personality affects health. Personality can be innate or formed during upbringing. Try to change the negative traits to reduce the health problems you may have.
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