Restlessness caused by psychotropic drugs

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Psychotropic drugs are drugs used to treat mental and psychological disorders. The state of restlessness and insecurity caused by psychotropic drugs is a state of restlessness and discomfort that occurs during the treatment of a disease. Manage this state by reducing the dose of the psychotropic drug or changing to another medication.

1. Psychotropic drugs

Psychotropic drugs are drugs used to treat mental and psychological disorders. There are many types of psychotropic drugs such as:
Antipsychotics: Treatment of many types of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, mania, depression and drug-induced psychosis. Tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,... Mental state stabilizers to reduce aggression, irritability; such as Carbamazepine, Sodium Valproate. Anxiolytics such as Benzodiazepines are used for the short-term treatment of insomnia, nervousness, and agitation. Other drugs such as anticholinergics (benztropine, benzhexol, and biperiden) are used to treat side effects caused by antipsychotics, mainly tremors and muscle stiffness. Beta-blockers can be used to reduce restlessness, tremors, nervousness, blood pressure, and slow heart rate.

2. The concept of psychotropic restlessness

A state of restlessness caused by psychotropic drugs is a state of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety that can appear at any time during treatment, putting the patient at risk of suicidal behavior. Taking psychotropic drugs causes restlessness and restlessness, which are common in middle-aged women.
Predisposing factors for restlessness such as:
Sedation with high risk of extrapyramidal syndrome Symptoms appear a few days after starting high dose sedation Reduce medication anti-extrapyramidal Sudden increase in sedative dose too quickly, especially parenteral route Using the wrong principle of combining many psychotropic drugs.
Bồn chồn là một trạng thái bứt rứt, khó chịu khiến con người có hành vi tiêu cực
Bồn chồn là một trạng thái bứt rứt, khó chịu khiến con người có hành vi tiêu cực

3. Clinical manifestations of restlessness due to psychotropic drugs

Restlessness, anxiety and mental discomfort Subjective feeling, discomfort often in the legs makes the patient often move, unable to stand still or sit still The patient walks constantly and does not be able to control the behavior on their own Expresses insecurity and fear.

4. Diagnostic criteria for psychotropic restlessness

Occurrence of subjective symptoms such as restlessness, restlessness, anxiety after taking psychotropic drugs. Presence of at least one of the objective symptoms such as restlessness, constant shaking of limbs, walking more to relieve restlessness, inability to stand still or sit still. Symptoms onset within 4 weeks of taking psychotropic medications Other nonpsychotic symptoms such as schizophrenia, withdrawal syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,... symptoms are not caused by other drugs, neurological diseases or physical diseases.

5. Treatment of restlessness caused by psychotropic drugs

The principles of the management of psychotropic-induced restlessness are to reduce the dose of psychotropic drugs currently being used, to trial with appropriate agents, and to consider switching to another psychotropic drug.
The patient should be treated in a well-ventilated place, easy to monitor.
Commonly used drugs and doses such as:
Propranolol 40 - 80 mg/day. Diazepam used 5-10 mg / day, can be used orally or intravenously if in severe cases. Benztropine is used 1-3 mg/day. In summary, the state of restlessness and insecurity caused by psychotropic drugs is a state of restlessness and discomfort that occurs during the treatment of the disease. Manage this state by reducing the dose of the psychotropic drug or changing to another medication.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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