Uses of Nilofact

Nilofact is an injectable drug, belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs. The drug is used in the treatment of neurological symptoms and diseases such as dizziness, central nervous system disorders,...

1. What are the effects of Nilofact?

Nilofact belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, used to treat problems and diseases related to nerves. For example: Dizziness, problems with central nervous system disorders, memory impairment, treatment of post-traumatic brain injury,...

2. Nilofact drug ingredients

The main ingredient of Nilofact is Piracetam, which is considered a stimulant and improves the metabolism of nerve cells. This active ingredient can change neurotransmitters and improve metabolism so that nerve cells work better.
In experimental studies, Piracetam has the effect of increasing the brain's resistance and adaptation to hypoxia, thereby combating ischemic metabolic disorders.
In addition, the active ingredient Piracetam also has the effect of improving memory by stimulating the production of Dopamine.

3. Indications and contraindications to the drug Nilofact

Indications for the use of Nilofact are:
Occurrence of symptoms of dizziness. Occurrence of nerve damage after traumatic brain injury or brain surgery, specifically: Mental disorder, hematoma, hemiplegia, ischemia. Problems related to central nervous system disorders such as: Dizziness, headache, anxiety, confusion, alcohol delirium, dementia in the elderly. People with sickle cell disease. The patient has muscle tremors. Children with learning difficulties. Cases of contraindications to the use of Nilofact include:
People who are hypersensitive to the drug's ingredients, which is Piracetam. Patients with severe renal failure. Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. Huntington's patient. Patients with liver failure.

4. Dosage and how to use Nilofact

Dosage of the drug depends on the patient's medical condition as well as the ability to respond to the drug. Therefore, patients need to closely follow the indications and instructions of the treating doctor while using the drug.
Reference dosage: Inject from 30mg to 160mg/kg/day, divided into 2, 3 or 4 injections per day. In case of severe, severe condition, the reference dose is: 12g/day, intravenous infusion. How to use:
Injection or infusion of the drug, depending on the medical condition and the doctor's prescription. In case of discontinuation of injection, oral medication can be used. Missed dose and overdose:
In case the user misses a dose or uses an overdose, immediately notify the treating doctor for timely support. Do not arbitrarily adjust the dose of the drug or stop using it without your doctor's consent.

5. Nilofact drug side effects

Some side effects may be encountered when using Nilofact:
Restlessness, restlessness. Excitement, excitement. Concerned. Sleep disorders . Tired. Dizzy. Digestive disorders . However, users should note that, if you experience any unusual symptoms (including problems not listed above), please stop using the drug and notify your treating doctor for guidance. suitable guide.

6. Notes and cautions when using Nilofact

Here are some notes that users should pay attention to and be cautious about when using Nilofact:
Inform your doctor of all drugs and supplements you are using for appropriate guidance. to avoid drug interactions. Store the medicine at room temperature. Keep medicine out of reach of children and pets. If you use alcohol or tobacco, consult your doctor first. Never use expired medicine. Do not stop taking your medicine or recommend it to others without your doctor's instructions.

7. Drug interactions

Nilofact drug used concurrently with T3, T4 thyroid extract may cause sleep disturbance.
In short, Nilofact is a drug that is used in the treatment of neurological symptoms and diseases. Nilofact is prepared in the form of an injection, the way of use can be injection, intravenous infusion or oral depending on the indications and prescriptions of the doctor. The above information is for reference only, to ensure safety in the process of using the drug, users should visit a doctor and strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

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