1. Benefits of Garlic for Human Health
Garlic has long been known not only as a flavor enhancer for dishes but also as a natural remedy for illnesses like colds and coughs. Many studies have shown that garlic contains several nutrients such as amino acids, allicin, fructans, allyl sulfides, and vitamins A, B, C, and D. Specifically, garlic has the following benefits:
- Allicin, a natural antibiotic in garlic, helps strengthen the immune system, has bactericidal properties, and anti inflammation.
- Garlic helps prevent stomach ulcers, gastric mucosal inflammation, and effectively relieves stomach pain. Therefore, people with stomach pain can still eat garlic, but it should be consumed in moderation and with the right method.
- Besides treating upper abdominal pain and stomachaches, garlic also helps prevent stomach cancer.
- Garlic helps reduce blood fat, lower cholesterol buildup in blood vessels, thus protecting the heart and preventing conditions like high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks.
- Garlic helps reduce joint inflammation.
2. Is Garlic Good for the Stomach?
Garlic is both a delicious spice and a natural herbal remedy that is very beneficial for health. However, the question remains: Does eating too much garlic harm the stomach, or should people with stomach issues eat garlic? Also, is eating black garlic harmful to the stomach? The answer to these questions is yes. Although garlic is beneficial for the stomach and digestive system due to its many nutrients, people with stomach conditions can still eat garlic to reduce pain but should consume it in moderation. Eating excessive amounts of garlic may harm the stomach for the following reasons:
- Garlic contains fructans, a compound that can cause many problems for the stomach and intestines. Eating too much garlic will directly stimulate the digestive system, potentially damaging the stomach lining. This can lead to symptoms like indigestion, acid reflux, bloating, or even stomach and duodenal ulcers.
- The allicin in garlic can cause hemolysis, leading to anemia. People with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension (high blood pressure), or diabetes should be cautious when consuming garlic.
- Eating too much garlic can harm the eyes and liver.

3. How to Prepare Garlic Properly to Avoid Stomach Harm
To maximize the benefits of garlic for the digestion system, people with stomach pain can still eat garlic but should consume it in adequate amounts, prepared in the right way, and in a scientific manner. According to nutrition experts, the best amount to consume daily is about 10g of garlic. Furthermore, garlic should be consumed properly. It can be eaten fresh, cooked with food, or fermented into black garlic. The correct way to consume garlic is to finely chop it and let it sit in the air for 10-15 minutes before eating or cooking it. This is because alliin is the main component in fresh garlic, not free allicin. Only after chopping, the alliin compound, under the effect of the alliinase enzyme, will be hydrolyzed to form allicin.
In fact, whether finely chopped or cooked, garlic retains about 60% of its medicinal properties. Fresh garlic, after a fermentation process under strict conditions of time, temperature, and humidity, transforms into black garlic. It contains compounds such as fructose, organic sulfur, polyphenols, and especially the active ingredient S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC), which has increased 4-5 times compared to fresh garlic. Therefore, black garlic has stronger effects, protects cardiovascular health, and improves digestion.
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