Uses of Adefovir

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Adefovir dipivoxil is a nucleotide analogue that is effective in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in people over 12 years of age, helping to slow the growth of the virus. However, this is not a cure for hepatitis B, nor does it prevent the spread of hepatitis B to others.

1. What is Adefovir?

Adefovir has been shown to be an active acyclic nucleotide analogue of adenosine monophosphate, which is phosphorylated to the active metabolite adefovir diphosphate by cellular kinase enzymes. Adefovir diphosphate then inhibits HBV DNA polymerase by competing with the natural substrate deoxyadenosine triphosphate and incorporating into viral DNA causing DNA chain termination. Thus, the drug Adefovir is effective in the treatment of liver disease. In addition, Adefovir is also effective in decompensated liver disease when combined with a second drug that is not cross-resistant to adefovir.
In summary, after oral administration of adefovir, adefovir dipivoxil is rapidly converted to adefovir, the absorption is slow but not impaired when taken with food. Adefovir is widely distributed in body tissues, particularly in the kidneys, liver and intestines. Less than 4% bound to plasma or serum proteins. Adefovir is excreted by the kidneys by glomerular filtration and active tubular secretion. The terminal half-life is about 7 hours. Adefovir is partially eliminated by hemodialysis.

2. How to use Adefovir?

Adefovir 10mg is used orally, regardless of the meal. Dosage references are as follows:
Adults with chronic hepatitis B and good renal function: 10 mg once daily. Patients with renal impairment should have their dosing intervals changed depending on the patient's creatinine clearance: If the creatinine clearance is 30-49 ml/min, the dose should be 10 mg every 48 hours, and if the creatinine clearance is 10-29 ml/min, the dose should be adjusted to 10 mg every 72 hours. Patients on hemodialysis: 10mg every 7 days after dialysis Patients with hepatic impairment may take the usual dose No dosage recommendations are available for patients over 65 years of age.

3. Side effects of Adefovir:

Adefovir can cause severe lactic acidosis over time, symptoms suggestive of lactic acidosis include:
Muscle weakness Numbness or coldness in the arms and legs Shortness of breath Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, fatigue Stomach pain, nausea or vomiting Fast or irregular heartbeat More severe the patient may urinate less, anuria, itching, jaundice, yellow eyes

4. Contraindications of Adefovir:

Adefovir is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients or in nursing mothers. In addition, it is necessary to use caution when using Adefovir in the following cases:
Liver disease with rapidly increasing aminotransferase levels, progressive hepatomegaly or fatty liver, metabolic acidosis, lactic acidosis should stop treatment immediately. Liver function should be closely monitored periodically during the period following discontinuation of adefovir dipivoxil. Patients with renal impairment receiving Adefovir should be screened for signs of impaired renal function every 3 months, especially patients with impaired renal function. with creatinine clearance less than 50 ml/min HIV patients: the use of Adefovir to treat chronic hepatitis B in undetected or untreated HIV patients may lead to HIV resistance. Therefore, all patients should be tested for HIV antibodies before starting adefovir dipivoxil therapy The safety and efficacy of Adefovir in patients under 18 years of age have not been fully established If the patient is taking Adefovir for too long Doses over several weeks may cause gastrointestinal disturbances or anorexia. When overdosage occurs, monitor for signs of toxicity and apply standard supportive measures if necessary. Adefovir can be eliminated by hemodialysis, with a mean hemodialysis clearance of 104 ml/min.
Above is important information about Adefovir. Knowing this will make the medication process more effective and safer.

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