Uses of Actifed

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Weather changes or high humidity cause the nose to be affected. Allergies that appear in the nose can be caused by a cold. To limit unpleasant itching, let's learn the use of Actifed drug below.

1. What is Actifed?

Actifed drug has the main ingredients chlorpheniramine and phenylephrine. Chlorpheniramine belongs to the group of antihistamines. When using the drug, the concentration of histamine is suppressed in the body. This is a mechanism to reduce discomfort and itching caused by allergies or runny nose. And phenylephrine is a drug used to decongest the nose. When blood vessels dilate, the nose is blocked, so if they shrink the nose, it will be able to breathe better. This medicine is often used by patients with colds or allergic rhinitis in the wet or cold season. However, before using, you should carefully read the instructions on the package to use the medicine correctly.

2. Drug warnings for users

Some patients who are taking an MAO inhibitor within 14 days from the date of making the choice to take Actifed should be careful not to take the tablet form. The interaction between drugs and MAO inhibitors will be dangerous when this substance has not been eliminated before using the drug. Some subjects may appear allergic to one of the 2 ingredients of the drug. This is more dangerous if you have high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stomach ulcers, and glaucoma. A small number of patients with urinary retention and difficulty urinating will also be at risk if taking the drug without the permission of the doctor.
When a patient has asthma, actifed does not relieve the asthma. Therefore, the drug should not be used in that case. Tablets can cause problems with the nervous system such as slow thinking and reflexes. This can cause decreased alertness for the person taking the drug. When you do work that requires concentration, keep that in mind in addition to avoiding alcoholic beverages so as not to harm your health and nervous system.
Side effects of drugs according to analysis are common in the elderly. Because ear, nose and throat medication is quite necessary in young children, you need to pay attention to consult your doctor first to avoid using the wrong medicine. Children with cold symptoms, if not checked, abuse of actifed can lead to death. Normally, if you do not get results after 7 days of taking the medicine, please report back to your doctor for confirmation.
When prescribing medicine, you should inform the doctor about the diseases you have had and the most recent prescription for treatment. When the user has problems such as: liver and kidney disease, glaucoma, poor pulmonary circulation, cardiovascular disease and blood pressure, thyroid disease, epileptic seizures, asthma, difficulty urinating... dose will be considered based on the test results. Studies have not found an effect on the fetus when pregnant women use actifed. But if this medicine can pass into breast milk, it will more or less affect the development of the infant. Therefore, you should avoid using it while pregnant or nursing a small child.

3. How to take Actifed

On the product packaging, there are specific things to note when using to protect the safety of patients. However, the time and dose cannot be applied to all subjects, so you still need to notify your doctor to guide the correct prescription for your health. This medicine is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age. This group of young people can die when given the drug abuse. When needed, the doctor will ask the child to drink a full glass of water to increase metabolism. People over 12 years old will use 5 ml and need to drink 3 times a day.
Forgot the dose you need to skip and take the next dose to ensure the effectiveness of the medicine. Situations where the patient's intention to increase the dose can lead to diarrhea, nausea, loss of balance, headache, psychological changes... Side effects of the drug affect the reflex nerves. So make sure you have a break and the work is not so heavy that you need to focus often.
Cold or pain medicines that are partly sleeping pills should not be used. You should also avoid both muscle relaxants and psychoactive drugs. The active ingredient in actifed is phenylephrine, which can make you feel drowsy. Addictive stimulants can have psychological effects. When you use coffee or diet pills... they will cause the phenylephrine effect to be stimulated.

4. Some side effects of drugs

According to medical reports, patients may now experience some reactions after taking tablets such as hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, sore throat. When you feel too tired, tell your doctor to consider stopping using the drug for a more stable body. In addition to the above symptoms, there are some more dangerous side effects to note such as:
Heart rhythm disturbances cause anxiety and anxiety. Fatigue, loss of balance due to dizziness, may faint. Convulsions The appearance of hallucinations Actifed is used to treat colds and allergies. Some people are sensitive to the ingredients of the drug should tell their doctor or consider choosing a better drug. When taking this drug, you should carefully ask your doctor about interactions with foods as well as some medications you have taken before to adjust the dose or choose the same drug for treatment.

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