What is organic food?

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Organic nutrition or organic food is a phrase that is mentioned a lot nowadays. Organic food is the most chosen food from housewives because of the health benefits it brings. But few people understand what organic food is, what nutritional benefits this food brings, as well as how to choose these foods.

1. What is organic food?

This term refers to foods that are grown, handled and prepared in a way that is safe for the environment. For agricultural products, it is a product that is grown without the use of most conventional pesticides, using artificial fertilizers, sewage sludge, radiation and genetically modified organisms. For animal meat, antibiotics or hormones are not injected.

2. Benefits of organic food

Organic food is usually good for the environment. However, it is also relatively more expensive: the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) reports that the cost of organic fruits and vegetables is often 20% more than conventional products. Sometimes the difference can be much higher, especially for certain items like organic milk and eggs.
Advocates say organic food is safer, possibly more nutritious, and often tastier than non-organic food. They also say that organic production is sustainable for the environment and is also safer for animals.
And more and more consumers seem to be convinced by that. Although organic foods often cost more — or a lot more — sales in the industry are steadily increasing.
Food scientist Alyson E. Mitchell, and his colleagues at the University of California, Davis have studied compounds called flavonoids. Recent evidence suggests that these micronutrients play an important role in preventing cancer and heart disease.
Flavonoids are also compounds with plant protection effects. They protect against UV radiation. They help fight fungi and bacteria. In addition, flavonoids do not have a favorable taste for pests. Normally, if a plant is attacked by bugs, it starts to produce more flavonoids. Mitchell thinks plants sprayed with insecticides and fungicides won't produce as many flavonoids as plants grown organically.
So her research team compared the flavonoid levels in fruits and vegetables grown in the same place but with different methods. The results showed that Flavonoids were found more in organically grown vegetables.

Thực phẩm hữu cơ tốt cho sức khoẻ của người sử dụng
Thực phẩm hữu cơ tốt cho sức khoẻ của người sử dụng

3. How do I read the labels of organic products?

You know how to read labels on organic products to help us make better food choices. There are three common types of organic labels:
“100% organic”: ie all ingredients in the food are certified organic. “Organic”: at least 95% of ingredients are certified organic. “Made with organic products”: at least 70% of ingredients are certified organic.

4. The truth about pesticides in organic products

You may be surprised to know this fact, but organic foods are not foods that are completely free of pesticides. Farmers are not allowed to use chemical pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.
But they can completely use naturally derived pesticides and these products can still be harmful to your health. The limitation here is that you should eat a variety of foods, you will not be consuming a large amount of a certain pesticide (which is often used for a particular vegetable / fruit).

5. Some foods you should choose organic

5.1. Organic beef Cattle raised on non-organic farms are often injected with sex hormones intended to stimulate growth, such as estrogen and testosterone, so the animals grow faster.

Thịt bò hữu cơ không chứa các chất độc hại giúp bảo vệ sức khoẻ người dùng
Thịt bò hữu cơ không chứa các chất độc hại giúp bảo vệ sức khoẻ người dùng

Some experts say these hormones can cause early puberty in girls, but others say it has no effect on the body. Some families buy organic meat for this reason. Some studies suggest that organic beef may have more heart-healthy omega 3 fats. However, more studies are needed to confirm this conclusion.
5.2. Organic Poultry and Pork Organic Poultry and Pig Meat is meat that has not been raised with foods that contain synthetic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. These poultry and pigs are also not allowed to use antibiotics for growth purposes.
This is the baseline standard for organic poultry and pork. As for common meats, it is likely that these meats are still regularly used with antibiotics for the purposes of growth, disease prevention, treatment, etc. This is contributing to an increase in the prevalence of diseases. current antibiotic resistance.

5.3. Microwave Popcorn For many years, many microwave popcorn bags have used perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) to prevent popcorn particles from sticking. After the chemical was found to be linked to several cancers, the FDA banned it. Furthermore, research shows that an ingredient in artificial butter can lead to breathing problems. Therefore, experts recommend that you buy organic products for popcorn, which will partly limit health risks.

Bỏng ngô lò vi sóng có thể chứa PFOA không tốt cho sức khoẻ
Bỏng ngô lò vi sóng có thể chứa PFOA không tốt cho sức khoẻ

5.4. Seafood Selection The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States and many other countries do not currently have standards for organic seafood. So you just buy regular seafood. However, you should be careful to choose seafood that contains low levels of mercury. Small-sized seafood such as shrimp, salmon, and anchovies are lower in mercury.
5.5. Avocados Scientists analyzed 48 different fruits and vegetables and found that avocados had the fewest pesticides. And an interesting rule of thumb is that fruits that you must peel before eating, for example pineapples and watermelons, have lower levels of pesticides. You should wash these foods before peeling or chopping them.

5.6. Strawberries and kale These are the two agricultural products that are sprayed with the most pesticides because they are very susceptible to pests, so you should choose organic products or choose a reliable farm to buy them. this product.
Above is some information about organic nutrition or organic food. Hope the above article helps you make the right choice of healthy foods for you and your loved ones.
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Reference article source: webmd.com
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