Teff powder: Uses, nutrients and benefits

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Teff is a traditional grain in Ethiopia, with high nutritional value and gluten-free. People often use Teff powder in cooking and baking. For those interested in gluten-free grains, teff seeds seem like a great alternative to wheat.

1. Overview of Teff . Particles

Teff is a tropical cereal plant in the Poaceae family that has been grown mainly in Ethiopia and Eritrea for thousands of years. In terms of color, Teff has 2 dark and light colors, of which the most popular are brown and ivory white. This is also considered the world's smallest cereal with the size of only 1/100th of a grain of wheat.
Teff seeds have a very attractive taste, the light color has a slightly sweet taste, so it is very popular. Today, teff seeds are quite popular in the West, because of their gluten-free and other outstanding nutritional values.

2. How to use Organic Teff Seed Powder

Because of its very small size, teff is mainly processed and eaten as a whole grain instead of being separated into the germ, bran and kernel like wheat. Teff seeds can also be ground and used as a gluten-free flour.
In Ethiopia, Teff dough is fermented with yeast at the surface of the grain and is used to make a traditional cake called Injera. This round, flat cake is often served with vegetables or stewed meat in a typical Ethiopian meal.
Organic Teff Seed Flour can also be used as a substitute for wheat flour for baking or producing packaged foods like pasta. In addition, Teff powder is also used as a nutritional supplement for wheat-containing products.
If a health condition makes you need to switch to a gluten-free diet, replace flour with Teff flour in dishes such as pancakes, cookies, cakes and breads. However, be aware that dishes made with teff flour because of the lack of gluten may not be as chewy as wheat-based products. Conversely, if your body can still absorb gluten, you can use a combination of both flours.

Hạt Teff có kích thước cực nhỏ và bột hạt Teff hữu cơ rất tốt cho sức khỏe
Hạt Teff có kích thước cực nhỏ và bột hạt Teff hữu cơ rất tốt cho sức khỏe

3. Nutritional value of Teff . powder

Teff powder has very high nutritional value. Just 100 grams of Teff powder provides:
Calories: 366 calories Protein: 12.2 grams Fat: 3.7 grams Carbs: 70.7 grams Fiber: 12.2 grams Iron: 37% of daily requirement . Calcium: 11% of daily requirement. It is important to note that the nutritional composition of Teff powder depends on the variety, growing region, and brand. However, compared to other grains, Teff seeds are still a rich source of copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and selenium.
In addition, Teff powder is also an excellent source of protein as it has all the essential amino acids that play an important role in the human body. Teff is also particularly high in Lysine, an amino acid often lacking in other grains. Lysine is needed for the production of proteins, hormones, enzymes, collagen and elastin, and aids in calcium absorption, energy production and immune function.

4. Health benefits of Teff powder

Teff powder has many benefits that make it a great source of nutrients in your daily diet.
4.1. Naturally Gluten Free Gluten is a group of proteins found in wheat and some other grains that give dough its chewy and elastic texture. However, there are some people who are sensitive and cannot absorb gluten (typically people with Celiac disease). Under these circumstances, completely gluten-free organic teff nut flour becomes the perfect substitute for wheat flour.
4.2. High fiber content Teff flour has a higher fiber content than many other grains (about 12.2 grams of fiber per 100 grams of Teff flour). Whereas flour and rice flour contain only 2.4 grams, oatmeal contains 6.5 grams of fiber in the same serving. Adults are recommended to eat 25 and 38 grams of fiber per day, which includes both insoluble and soluble fiber.
Some studies show that most of the fiber in teff powder is insoluble, other studies show an equal composition of both types of fiber and they both have certain benefits. for digestive health:
Insoluble fiber passes through the intestines barely digested, but increases stool volume and aids bowel movements. Soluble fiber helps draw water into the intestines to soften stools, provide healthy bacteria in the gut, and participate in the metabolism of carbs and fats. Overall, a diet high in fiber can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and digestive problems.

Những món ăn từ bột hạt Teff có rất nhiều giá trị dinh dưỡng tốt cho sức khỏe
Những món ăn từ bột hạt Teff có rất nhiều giá trị dinh dưỡng tốt cho sức khỏe

4.3. High Iron Content Teff seeds are said to have an extremely high iron content. Iron is an essential mineral that carries oxygen throughout the body through red blood cells. In fact, consumption of this grain has been linked to a reduced incidence of anemia in pregnant women and helps some avoid iron deficiency.
Some studies show that the iron content in 100 grams of Teff is up to 80mg, providing 37% of the daily iron requirement of each person. Whereas the same amount of flour only provides 5%. That shows that compared to other grains, the iron content in Teff flour is significantly higher.
4.4. Glycemic Index (GI) lower than wheat products The glycemic index (GI) indicates how much a food raises blood sugar. Foods with a GI above 70 are considered high, meaning they raise blood sugar more quickly. While foods with a GI below 55 are considered low, a GI in the mid-range is considered moderate.
Many people with diabetes often choose a diet consisting of low GI foods to control blood sugar levels. Cooked whole grain organic teff has a lower GI than many grains, with a moderate GI of 57.
Example: Injera has a GI range of 79-99, of porridge Teff is 94-137 which makes both of these foods high GI. In addition, bread made with Teff flour has a GI of 74, which is still high but lower than bread made with wheat, quinoa, oats or buckwheat.
Although Teff may have a lower GI than most other grains, its overall GI is still moderate to high. Anyone with diabetes should still carefully control their portion sizes and watch the carb content.
Teff seeds are a traditional Ethiopian grain rich in fiber, protein and minerals. Teff flour is quickly becoming a popular gluten-free alternative to flour. With abundant nutritional values, Teff promises to be a great choice for those who are interested in a healthy and balanced diet.
Therefore, consider as well as based on the needs of yourself and your family members that you can use Teff powder in your daily nutritional menu.

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Reference source: healthline.com
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