At what temperature should ribs be grilled?

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In order for the grilled ribs to be delicious, in addition to preparing enough ingredients, you also need to pay attention to the grilling temperature of the ribs. So at what temperature is it appropriate to grill ribs?

1. Guide to choosing delicious ribs

If the rib or pork is not fresh, it will smell and lose its deliciousness when processing. Therefore, the selection of ribs will largely determine the quality and taste of the grilled ribs.
Signs of fresh ribs that are qualified to cook delicious dishes:
The color of fresh ribs is light and not dark When you press on the meat with your hand, it will have this degree, because the ribs have not decayed, the muscles still retain a little elastic Ribs do not have an unpleasant smell like they have been stored for a long time. Choose flat ribs with small bones, the meat will be more than those with larger bones. The size of the ribs is also a criterion for evaluating the size of the pig. When it comes to small pigs, the meat will usually not be as delicious as the big ones. Especially when choosing ribs for grilling, the ribs need to choose a medium-fat thick loin when grilled, the meat will be tender and delicious.

2. Steps to prepare ribs for grilling

Grilled ribs is not only about bringing ribs to grill, but it also needs to go through many stages of preliminary preparation to produce the most perfect results. Ribs before taking the water need to be cleaned and boiled briefly.
Cooking the ribs before grilling also helps collagen in the bone marrow not be lost if grilled at high temperature. Normally, the collagen in the bones will melt if the baking temperature is higher than 74 degrees Celsius. You can test this with an oven thermometer to see how much of a difference there is between heating the meat and bones.

Chuẩn bị sườn để nướng cần trải qua nhiều giai đoạn sơ chế cẩn thận
Chuẩn bị sườn để nướng cần trải qua nhiều giai đoạn sơ chế cẩn thận

In the end you will get the result that the closer the meat is to the bone, the higher the temperature needed to make the main course, making it difficult to balance the heat and not cooking evenly if not cooked before grilling. Therefore, if the ribs are not cooked before grilling, it will easily lead to a situation where the outside is almost burnt but the inside is still not cooked.
After that, the ribs need to be marinated with spices to infuse, when grilled, it will have a good aroma and taste.
Necessary seasonings to marinate grilled ribs
BBQ sauce Salt Chili powder (for those who like spicy food) Pepper Honey Take turns choosing the spices and marinating the ribs for 30 minutes to let the spices infuse and then proceed to grill .

3. Note about grilling temperature and baking time

Due to the difference in temperature between the meat and the bone, the way the ribs are grilled also needs to be carefully considered and you don't forget to preheat the oven before you bring the ribs to grill at about 110 degrees Celsius.
Normally the ribs grill temperature. Suitable for about 107 degrees Celsius, but the oven will be adjusted a little higher, so it requires quick operation when baking, because a higher temperature will make the ribs easy to burn.
To cook the ribs at this temperature, you also spend a lot of time turning the sides until the ribs are golden from the inside out. Many people think that, if the grilling temperature is low and takes time, why not increase it to high to shorten the time? That can't happen because the high temperature only cooks the surface quickly, not the meat inside. In addition, high heat grilling the ribs will be dry and the collagen will be burned without time to absorb into the meat.
For that reason, the grilling of ribs is selected with a moderate heat level and continuously turned to make the meat evenly cooked while also prolonging the time for collagen from the bones to flow out into the meat to create a delicious taste. soft and attractive greasy taste.

Nhiệt độ nướng sườn và thời gian nướng cần chính xác giúp món ăn thơm ngon hơn
Nhiệt độ nướng sườn và thời gian nướng cần chính xác giúp món ăn thơm ngon hơn

4. Method to check finished ribs ready to enjoy

What do you need to do to know the satisfactory ribs can be enjoyed? Here are a few tips for your reference to check if the ribs are cooked and have the same delicious quality as BBQ in restaurants:
Bend the ribs: The ribs that are being grilled will be very hot, so you can't directly use them. To avoid skin burns, use tongs or specialized gloves to bend the ribs. If the ribs show signs of cracking when bent, it means that the meat is cooked to what extent, the connection of muscles is destroyed there. This allows you to adjust whether to stop or continue baking for the best results. Twist a small piece of bone on a large piece: if the whole large rib is not chopped, it will be difficult to bend. At this point, you make a slight twist on a small piece of bone. If the meat shows signs of gradually separating, the barbecued ribs are ready. Pierce the ribs with a knife or sharp object: similarly, you can use a stick or sharp knife to skewer the ribs to gauge the doneness of the grilled ribs. When stabbing into the meat feels not too difficult and there is water coming out, then stop grilling. Honey grilled ribs is not only a suitable dish for the family on cool days or picnics, but also a nutritious food that gives you energy. With grilled ribs, you will get calcium, iron, potassium, fat, protein... for your body to always have plenty of energy.
Although it is a delicious and attractive dish, you should not eat too many grilled ribs and need to balance a healthy diet between foods. This not only ensures health but also limits many diseases.

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