Uses of Theophylline 100mg

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Theophylline medicine 100mg contains the main ingredient Theophyllin. Theophylline is often used in asthma attacks or bronchospasm in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,... The following article will help you better understand the uses of Theophylline 100mg.

1. What is Theophylline 100mg?

Manufacturer: Central Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company 2
Packing: Box of 1 bottle of 200 tablets.
Dosage form: Tablets.
Theophylline 100mg. Excipients 1 capsule.

2. Uses of Theophylline 100mg

Studies indicate that Theophylline has the ability to antagonize the Adenosin receptors. Therefore, it is highly effective against respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchiectasis.
In addition, it also has central stimulant, coronary vasodilator, smooth muscle relaxant and diuretic effects.
2.1 Indications Theophylline 100mg is usually used in the following cases:
Patients with bronchial asthma with paroxysmal breathing difficulties. People with persistent bronchial asthma. Contractions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2.2 How to use - Dosage of Theophylline 100mg Before treatment, it is necessary to read carefully the instructions for use to get the best effective drug regimen.
How to use:
Use orally. Swallow whole tablet. Avoid crushing or breaking the pellet structure as this can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. To avoid stomach irritation, the drug should be taken immediately with a meal or immediately after a meal with a sufficient amount of water (about 150ml) or can be taken with antacids. Dosage:
Follow the doctor's prescription. Reference dose:
Starting dose: + For those who do not use Theophylline within 24 hours: Use a dose of 4-6 mg/kg.
+ People who have used Theophylline in the previous 24 hours: Use a dose of 2-3 mg/kg.
Incremental dose: Gradually increase the dose every 2-3 days with about 25% of the current dose until reaching the maximum as follows: + Children under 9 years old: 24mg/kg/day.
+ Children 9 - 12 years old: 20mg/kg/day.
+ Children 12 - 16 years old: 18mg/kg/day.
+ Over 16 years old: Maximum 900mg/day or dose 13mg/kg/day.
Maintenance dose: The total daily dose can be divided into several times a day depending on the subject. Specifically: + Newborns: Each dose is spaced 12 hours apart.
+ Young children: 6-8 hours apart per dose.
+ Older children and adults: 8-12 hours apart per dose.

3. Effects of Theophylline 100mg

During the use of the drug may occur side effects. Undesirable effects are commonly seen in the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. It is noteworthy that, compared with adults, nervous system symptoms are often more severe in children. By frequency, symptoms include:
+ Tachycardia .
+ Nausea or vomiting.
+ Easily excitable.
+ Restlessness.
+ Insomnia .
+ Skin rash, tremor.
+ Restlessness, agitation.
+ Stomach irritation.
+ Epilepsy .
+ Allergic reactions .
In addition, other symptoms not listed here may be experienced. Therefore, if you experience any unusual symptoms that are suspected to be caused by the drug, immediately notify a qualified doctor or pharmacist for appropriate instructions.

4. Contraindications

Absolutely do not use Theophylline 100mg for:
People who are hypersensitive to Xanthin or allergic to any ingredient of the drug. People who have or have a history of gastric or duodenal ulcers. Patient has seizures, uncontrolled convulsions.

5. How to handle missed dose, overdose

Missed dose : Take up only when it is far from the time of next dose. Overdose can occur when double the amount needed to make up for the missed dose is taken.
Overdose : There have been reports of taking more than the required amount. Consequences are:
+ In children: Causes agitation, convulsions, high fever, continuous vomiting, talking a lot, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, respiratory failure,...
+ For adults: Possible fever, convulsions, and even cardiac arrest.
If overdose, immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely monitoring and treatment.

6. Drug interactions

Theophylline 100mg can cause adverse interactions with some drugs. Specifically:
Lithium: Theophylline increases elimination, thereby reducing the therapeutic effect of Lithium when used together. Ephedrine and other sympathomimetic agents may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias in patients when co-administered with Theophylline. Phenytoin, Carbamazepine or other Barbiturates may be enhanced by hepatic metabolism when co-administered. Methotrexate reduces the clearance of theophylline when administered concomitantly. Serum Theophylline concentration increases if used with Cimetidine, Allopurinol at high doses, oral contraceptives, Propranolol, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin,... Coadministration with Rifampicin will increase the clearance of Theophylline in the liver. In addition, please inform your doctor about any information about any medications or supplements, vitamins you are taking as well as medical history to be considered and minimize possible interactions.

7. Note when using and storing Theophylline 100mg

Caution when used for people with heart failure, coronary insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, obesity, liver failure, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Pregnant women and lactating mothers Pregnant women : Theophylline can easily cross the placenta. However, there is no evidence to indicate the toxicity of Theophylline to the fetus. Therefore, use caution when taking this medicine during pregnancy. Lactation: The drug is distributed in milk at concentrations approximately 70% of the serum concentrations and may cause adverse effects in the neonate. Therefore, it should only be used when the benefits of treatment and the risks to the nursing mother have been carefully weighed by a physician. Driving and using machines The drug does not affect vision nor the ability to drive and use machines. Therefore, can be used for these objects.
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of CHILDREN.

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