Uses of the drug Eckhart Q10

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Eckhart Q10 belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, used in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. To ensure safety and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, you need to take Caditor 10 exactly as prescribed by your doctor/pharmacist.

1. Ingredients in Eckhart Q10

Each Eckhart Q10 tablet contains the following ingredients:
Active ingredient Coenzyme 30mg; Excipients have sufficient drug content. The drug is prepared in the form of soft capsules, packaging: Bottle of 100 tablets.

2 Effects and indications of Eckhart Q10

2.1. What does Eckhart Q10 do? The main active ingredient Coenzyme in Eckhart Q10 helps blood flow in the body easily, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, increasing the tolerance of blood vessel walls.
2.2. Indications for Eckhart Q10 Eckhart Q10 is used for people with strong heart diseases such as:
Chronic congestive heart failure; Ischemic heart disease ; People with high blood pressure, angina or physical impairment. Eckhart Q10 is also used for people with chronic fatigue syndrome that is caused by a deficiency of Coenzyme Q10.

3. Dosage, how to use Eckhart Q10

Reference dose of Eckhart Q10:
The drug is used for adults, taking 1 to 3 Eckhart Q10 tablets per day. The dosage of Eckhart Q10 above is for reference only. The specific dose of Eckhart Q10 will depend on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Eckhart Q10, patients need to consult their doctor or pharmacist.
How to use Eckhart Q10:
Eckhart Q10 should be taken after eating with 1 cup of filtered water; Do not drink Eckhart Q10 in combination with alcohol, beer or carbonated soft drinks, milk to avoid reducing the effect of the drug.

4. Contraindications to the use of Eckhart Q10

Eckhart Q10 is contraindicated in the following cases:
People who are sensitive to the ingredients in the drug; Pregnant women and lactating mothers.

5. Eckhart Q10 . side effects

When using Eckhart Q10, you may experience the following side effects:
Long-term treatment may appear symptoms such as diarrhea, inflammation - stomach ulcers and loss of appetite; Some people experience redness and a rash on the skin. During the course of treatment, if there are any abnormal symptoms suspected of using Eckhart Q10, the patient should stop the drug and notify the treating doctor for timely treatment.

6. Note when using and storing Eckhart Q10

In the process of taking Eckhart Q10, you should note:
Use Echkart Q10 exactly as prescribed by your doctor/pharmacist, do not increase, decrease or stop taking the drug suddenly; Should take Eckhart Q10 regularly, avoid forgetting or overdose to ensure safety when using; During treatment with Eckhart Q10, the level of Lactate Dehydrogenase and Transaminases in the blood may increase slightly. Therefore, patients need to be regularly monitored for these indicators for timely treatment when necessary; To avoid unwanted interactions when using Eckhart Q10, patients should inform their doctor/pharmacist of all medications and dietary supplements they are using. Storing Eckhart Q10:
Eckhart Q10 should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from moisture; Do not expose the medicine to direct sunlight or water; Keep Eckhart Q10 out of the reach of children and pets. The article has provided information about the uses, doses and precautions when using Eckhart Q10. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Eckhart Q10 exactly as directed by your doctor, do not increase or decrease your dose or give prescriptions to others for use.

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