Uses of Metprednew

Metprednew drug is a group of antiparasitic, anti-infective, antiviral and antifungal drugs with the main ingredient Methylprednisolone 16mg and excipients just enough. The drug is available in the form of tablets, blister packs or boxes. Let's learn more about the uses and indications of Metprednew.

1. Uses of Metprednew IMP 16mg

Metprednew IMP 16mg is indicated for treatment in the following cases:
Methylprednisolone is used in non-specific therapy requiring the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of Glucocorticoids for:
Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus erythematosus Systemic Vasculitis Temporal Arteritis Nodular Periarteritis Sarcoid Asthma Chronic Ulcerative Colitis Anemia, Hemolytic Agranulocytosis Severe Allergic Disease Anaphylaxis Cancer Treatment Acute Leukemia U Lymphoma Cancer breast cancer Prostate cancer. In addition, Methylprednisolone is also used in the treatment of primary nephrotic syndrome.

2. Contraindications to use Metprednew IMP 16mg

Here are some cases when Metprednew 16mg should not be used:
Hypersensitivity, allergy to any ingredient in Metprednew or a history of allergy to other drugs. Systemic fungal infection. Skin lesions Gastroduodenal ulcers Severe infections Taking live virus vaccines

3. Dosage and how to use Metprednew

3.1. How to use Please read the instructions for use of Metprednew carefully, do not arbitrarily use the drug by other routes not listed on the instruction sheet.
Methylprednisolone 16mg is in the form of tablets that should be taken orally.
3.2. Dosage Determine the individual dose of the drug. The starting dose is 6-40 mg methylprednisolone/day. When using large doses and for a long time, it is advisable to apply the drug every other day after the course of the disease has been controlled. Using alternate day therapy should use 1 dose of methylprednisolone in a cycle every 2 days, fixed in the morning according to the natural time of Glucocorticoid secretion. Treatment of acute asthma: Methylprednisolone dose 32 - 48mg / day lasts for 5 days. A lower dose can then be used for a week. Initiate reduction of methylprednisolone after acute exacerbation. In cases of systemic lupus erythematosus and nodular periarteritis, Wegener's granulomatosis and giant cell arteritis: The usual initial dose is methylprednisolone 0.8 mg/kg/day in divided doses. Thereafter, maintenance therapy is to be carried out with a single daily dose and tapered to the minimum effective dose. In case of rheumatoid arthritis: The usual dose is 4-6 mg methylprednisolone/day. Use a higher dose of 16-32 mg/day during an acute episode and then taper off rapidly. In case of treatment of chronic arthritis in children with life-threatening complications: use methylprednisolone in induction therapy, with a dose of 10-30 mg/kg/course (usually 3 times). Treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis: mild cases: enema 80mg and severe acute exacerbations 8-24 mg/day. Treatment of primary nephrotic syndrome: the starting dose of methylprednisolone is from 0.8 to 1.6 mg/kg/day and lasts for 6 weeks. Then reduce the dose for 6-8 weeks. Treatment of immune hemolytic anemia: the first dose of methylprednisolone 64mg/day for 3 days. Treatment should be continued for at least 6-8 weeks. Treatment of sarcoidosis: dose of Methylprednisolone 0.8 mg/kg/day. Use the lowest maintenance dose of 8mg/day for remission. The above is information on the use and dosage of Metprednew for reference only. You should carefully read the drug leaflet or follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist who prescribes the medicine for you.
3.3. Treatment of missed dose and overdose of Metprednew In case of overdose of Metprednew When taking an overdose or suspecting an overdose of Metprednew, it is necessary to stop taking the drug immediately and notify your doctor or pharmacist when unusual symptoms appear.
Missed a dose of Metprednew Usually, the medicine can be taken 1-2 hours after forgetting. However, if any drug has strict regulations on the time to take it, it can be taken a few hours after the missed dose is detected.
If the time is too far from the time to take the supplementary dose, it should be skipped because it can be dangerous to the body. You need to strictly follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist when deciding to take it.

4. Side effects when taking Metprednew IMP 16mg

Here are some side effects when taking specific methylprednisolone: ​​
Insomnia, headache Nervous excitability Increased appetite Indigestion Indigestion Hirsutism Hirsutism Diabetes Joint pain Cataracts, glaucoma Nosebleeds Dizziness Seizures Psychosis Brain pseudotumor Mood changes Delirium, hallucinations, euphoria Edema High blood pressure Acne growth Bruising, hyperpigmentation Cushing's syndrome Pituitary-adrenal axis suppression.. Immediately notify the doctor when any unwanted effects occur.

5. Precautions, warnings and notes when using Metprednew

Metprednew 16mg should be used with caution in the following cases:
Herpes simplex infection of the eye. Active or latent TB. Diabetes. Patients with osteoporosis Newly connected to blood vessels People with mental disorders Gastroduodenal ulcers People with diabetes High blood pressure Heart failure Pregnant women: when using the drug can cause miscarriage, malformations fetus, teratogen,... to all pregnancy, especially the first 3 months of pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor or pharmacist in case it is necessary to use it.
Lactating women: The drug can be excreted in breast milk. So to be safe for the baby should not or limit the use of the drug during this time. Unless it is absolutely necessary and must consult a doctor, pharmacist before deciding to use the drug.
For children: careful monitoring is required when using Metprednew for a long time.
For the elderly should be very cautious, due to the risk of unwanted side effects. Use at the lowest dose and for a short time.
When using a high dose of Metprednew, it may affect the effect of vaccination
The drug has side effects such as dizziness, headache, delirium, hallucinations, ... Therefore, Metprednew should be used with caution for patients. with drivers and machine operators.

6. Interactions of drugs Metprednew IMP 16mg

Methylprednisolone is an inducer of cytochrome P450 enzymes, and a substrate of the enzyme P450 3A. Therefore, the drug affects the metabolism of cyclosporin, ketoconazole, phenobarbital, erythromycin, phenytoin, carbamazepine and rifampicin.
Concomitant use of Metprednew with cyclosporin will cause convulsions. Phenytoin, phenobarbital, rifampin and hypokalemic diuretics may decrease the potency of methylprednisolone (by increasing clearance of methylprednisolone). The drug may cause an increase in blood glucose. Therefore, a higher dose of insulin is required.
With the sharing about Metprednew , hope to help the drug treatment process in patients achieve good results, minimizing unnecessary side effects.

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