What is a combined hormonal contraceptive?

The combined hormonal contraceptive is an oral contraceptive containing two female sex hormones, estrogen and progestin. The drug's mechanism of action is to help prevent ovulation, and at the same time change the lining of the uterus and create mucus to prevent sperm from entering and fertilizing.

1. What is a combined hormonal contraceptive?

The combined hormonal contraceptive is a type of birth control pill that contains synthetic forms of two hormones, estrogen and progesterone. (Synthetic progesterone is called a progestin.)
With most brands, you take one pill a day for 21 days and then take nothing or a fake hormone-free pill for the next seven days. During this final week, your hormone levels drop, causing you to get your period. At the completion of the 28-day cycle, you start a new pack of pills the next day.

2. Action of combined hormonal contraceptives

When taken as directed, estrogen and progestin work together to prevent pregnancy primarily by inhibiting ovulation. This means they prevent your ovaries from releasing any eggs.
Kết hợp estrogen và progestin
Thuốc tránh thai kết hợp nội tiết tố sẽ giúp ức chế sự rụng trứng

Progestin contained in birth control pills also works to prevent pregnancy. It thickens your cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to travel through your cervix and into your fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg, if one is released. Changes in the composition of your mucus can also make it harder for sperm to penetrate the egg's hard outer shell. Finally, progestin thins the lining of your uterus, making it less likely that an egg will implant if it is fertilized.

3. Is the combined oral contraceptive pill used while breastfeeding?

It is possible to take birth control pills after giving birth, but not immediately. Whether you're breastfeeding or not, you'll have to wait 6 weeks after giving birth to start taking birth control pills or any estrogen-based birth control, such as the patch or ring. That's because the risk of blood clots from these methods is highest soon after birth.
After 6 weeks, if your breastfeeding is going well then you can take that medicine. However, if you're not producing as much milk as you'd like, or if your baby is having any trouble breastfeeding, birth control pills may not be a good choice for you, as it can reduce your milk supply. secrete.

4. Efficacy of the drug

When taken correctly and consistently, oral contraceptives are estimated to be about 97% effective at preventing pregnancy. This means that only 3 out of 100 women who take the pill correctly will get pregnant within the first year.
Uống thuốc tránh thai khẩn cấp bị chậm kinh
Sử dụng thuốc tránh thai đúng cách sẽ mang lại hiệu quả lên tới 97%

If you don't take your pills exactly as prescribed, for example, if you start a new pack of pills late or miss a pill without using backup contraception, your chances of getting pregnant are much higher.
So while the Pill is one of the most reliable methods of birth control for women who follow the directions and never miss a pill, it's not the best method for everyone.
If you think you'll have a hard time taking your birth control pills properly, consider using another method, such as an IUD, implant, patch, ring, or birth control pill, all of which very effective.
While the birth control pill is an excellent contraceptive, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). So, if you're at risk for an STI, you need to use a condom as well.

5. What drugs affect the effectiveness of combined hormonal contraceptives?

Some drugs and herbal preparations can affect the way hormonal contraceptives work and vice versa: Birth control pills can make some other medicines more or less effective. So be sure to tell any healthcare provider you see that you're using birth control pills.
Also tell your birth control doctor about any other medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Substances known or suspected to reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives include herbs.
Most medicines, including common antibiotics (such as those you might take to treat urinary tract infections) will not reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.
If you need to take a medicine that interferes with the contraceptive action of a combined hormonal contraceptive and you will be stopping it in time, talk to your doctor about other methods of birth control. If you're only taking the pill for a short time, you can keep taking it, but you'll need to use backup contraception at the same time and for seven days after it's cleared from your system.
Trầm cảm sau sinh được điều trị bằng thuốc
Hầu hết các loại thuốc đều không làm giảm hiệu quả của thuốc tránh thai

Because some drugs take longer to clear from the body, you may need to use a backup method for more than seven days after you stop taking them. Ask your healthcare provider for specific instructions about any prescription you are given.

6. Side effects of birth control pills

Today's birth control pills cause less unpleasant side effects than the first combination pills because they contain much smaller amounts of hormones.
You may experience bleeding between periods, known as breakthrough bleeding. (This is a side effect that tends to occur more often with the newer low-dose formulations.) However, it usually goes away after a few cycles.
It is important to keep taking your medicine if you have sudden bleeding. Taking the medicine at the same time each day can help reduce bleeding.
If heavy bleeding doesn't stop after a few months, you can ask your doctor about trying a different brand. Track when you have sudden bleeding because this pattern can help your caregivers choose another medicine for you.
Some women will feel a little nauseous after taking the pill. If this is a problem for you, try taking them with a meal or right before bed. Others report swollen or tender breasts, increased appetite, small changes in weight (gain or loss), bloating, changes in sex drive, or mood swings.
Most side effects will go away within three months or so of starting the medication.
Some women who wear contact lenses experience discomfort when starting the medication. If your eyes are dry, try using saline or lubricating eye drops a few times per day. Consult your ophthalmologist if the problem does not go away.
Finally, some women develop melasma or areas of darkening, usually on the face, while they are taking the combination. Although it is less common now because the drug has a lower estrogen content. This is more likely to be a problem for you if you develop sepsis during pregnancy.
Khi bệnh nhân buồn nôn cần dừng tập ngay lập tức
Thuốc tránh thai có thể gây ra một số tác dụng phụ trong vòng ba tháng

You can reduce your risk of getting chloasma while on medication by protecting your skin from the sun with sunscreen and clothing. Chloasma is not a health risk, but if you do develop it, you'll want to switch to a progestin-only pill or another birth control method that doesn't contain estrogen because chloasma can continue to get worse if you continue to use birth control pills.

7. What symptoms could indicate a medical problem due to birth control pills

Sharp pain in the chest Short of breath Coughing up blood Severe stomach pain Swelling in one leg, or severe calf or thigh pain Migraine, severe headache of any kind, or a headache that is more severe than before starting oral contraceptives Any neurological symptoms, including visual disturbances (such as blurred or double vision, temporary loss of vision, flashing lights or points in front of your eyes), slurred speech , tingling or weakness on one side of the body
You should also call right away if you have a severe skin rash, have jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes), feel itchy all over, notice a lump in your breast, feel bored depression or severe mood swings. And of course, contact your caregiver if you think you might be pregnant.
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Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference source: babycenter.com
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