5 tips for a healthy vacation

Staying healthy during the holidays is essential for everyone. When planning a Tet holiday or summer vacation, refer to these 5 tips for a healthy vacation.

1. The first advice for a healthy vacation - Always pay attention to protect your skin in the sun, avoid sunburn

If you're thinking about how to get a healthy vacation tan, think twice. When the skin is directly exposed to light from the sun, it will increase skin pigmentation (also known as melanoma), causing skin damage.
The sun emits ultraviolet radiation (also known as UV rays) that can create wrinkles, freckles, tanning and ultimately increase the risk of skin cancer. In addition, sunlight reflected from sand or water further increases exposure to UV radiation and increases the risk of eye diseases.
For a healthy holiday, especially on sunny days, refer to the following measures to stay active and play safely in the sun:
Use sunscreen: Always Bring a broad-spectrum sunscreen against UVA and UVB rays and choose one with an SPF of 15 or higher. Reapply sunscreen at least every 2 hours or every 40 - 80 minutes when swimming or sweating according to the instructions printed on the product packaging. Avoid being in the sun between 10 and 14 hours, when the sun emits the most intense radiation. Wear sunglasses: Wearing sunglasses can help protect your eyes from the sun's radiation. Choose sunglasses labeled with a UVA/UVB rating of 100% for the best UV protection, helping to protect your eyes for a healthy holiday. Wear sun-protective clothing: In addition to using sunscreen, be sure to wear a hat and clothing that covers sun-exposed skin. Maybe try to stay in the shade under an umbrella. Get to know tanning beds: Before a beach vacation, it's easy to be tempted by tanning beds for a truly beach tan. However, it should be noted that the lights on these beds emit UV radiation that can be even more intense and harmful than the sun. For a healthy holiday, the FDA recommends reading the instructions and warnings carefully before using these types of bedding. It's also important to note that skin-firming and tanning medications are not FDA-approved. Beware of sprays and tanning lotions: Be aware that spray or cream tanning products do not provide UV protection.
Thoa kem chống nắng
Sử dụng kem chống nắng để bảo vệ làn da khỏi tác động của ánh nắng mặt trời

2. Second tip for a healthy vacation - Check your medication before you go

You need to know what medicines to take on vacation. Check to see if you have enough medicine for the duration of your trip. Also, review the medication guide. Pay particular attention to warnings about drug interactions with certain foods or drinks as well as any other side effects.
Staying healthy during the holidays is important, so don't skip any doses, don't share medicines and don't overdose.
Always carry your medication with you during your trip with a detailed list of medications you are taking and the phone number of your healthcare provider.

3. Third tip for a healthy holiday - Be careful with contact lenses

If you wear contact lenses, make sure you have the necessary items with you at all times during your trip. To avoid problems like eye infections and corneal ulcers, make sure your contact lenses are prescribed by an eye care professional.
Avoid colored or fashionable glasses that are sold without a valid prescription in cosmetic stores or on the sidewalk, as they can damage your eyes.
Staying healthy during the holidays is important, especially eye health for contact lens wearers. Wash your hands with soap before touching the glasses and use a sterile solution. Glasses should not be exposed to water or non-sterile water, including water from taps, bottles or seawater, as this increases the risk of eye infections.
Remove contact lenses before swimming or soaking in a hot tub and follow the care instructions of your eye care professional. Also, remember to bring glasses in case of eye irritation. If vision changes, red eyes, watery eyes, eye pain or itching, remove contact lenses and see an eye specialist right away.
Đeo kính áp tròng
Tháo kính áp tròng trước khi bơi

4. Fourth tip for a healthy holiday - Consider getting a tattoo or nail art on holiday

Tattoo, henna, and nail art shops are easily found on the boardwalks or other areas around the beach. Think twice before setting foot in these shops even for temporary painting or tattooing.
Tattooing can increase the risk of serious infections such as HIV or hepatitis if exposed to tools, techniques or products that are not disinfected and cleaned. In addition, tattoo ink can cause allergies or other reactions.
Refer to related warnings to stay healthy during the holidays. The FDA advised consumers, tattoo artists, and retailers to avoid using or selling certain microbial-contaminated tattoo inks in May 2019. In addition, the FDA has not approved any ink for injection into the skin for cosmetic tattooing.
FDA also does not approve henna paint for skin, although it is approved for hair dye. Some cases have been reported to have allergic reactions to henna paint such as rashes and scarring. These serious reactions can occur with black henna paint, which contains the sensitizer p-phenylenediamine (PPD), which is also found in traditional reddish-brown henna paints.

5. Fifth tip for a healthy vacation - Drink enough water and eat healthy

Dehydration occurs when the body does not have enough water and fluids as it should. Dehydration can range from mild to severe. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid letting the body lose water during Tet holiday as well as summer vacation, especially when outdoors a lot.
Always carry water with you and drink it as soon as you feel thirsty, and be careful with ice or tap water in places where it's not safe to drink. In addition to avoiding dehydration, you also need to try to choose healthy foods during the holidays. Prioritize fruits, vegetables and whole grains, then add protein-rich foods to the party.
For a healthy and safe holiday, here are 5 tips for you: protect your skin, check your medication before you go, be careful with your contact lenses, think about getting a tattoo and always Drink enough water, eat healthy. You can refer and implement to have a healthy, safe, and healthy vacation.

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Reference source: fda.gov

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