The relationship between nutrition and aphthous pharyngitis

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Nutrition and aphthous pharyngitis have a close relationship with each other. Some types of food can cause aphthous pharyngitis.

1. What is aphthous pharyngitis?

Aphthous pharyngitis is an ulceration of the oropharyngeal mucosa due to many different causes. The disease is characterized by sores surrounded by a red halo, round or oval, usually less than 1cm in size. In addition, ulcers can be seen in other places inside the mouth, esophagus, gastrointestinal tract,...
Is a more common disease in women, easy to recur, causing a lot of pain for the patient, leading to poor eating and drinking. , affecting quality of life.
The disease needs to be combined with drug treatment and appropriate diet.

Viêm họng áp tơ dễ tãi phát và gây nhiều đau đớn cho người bệnh
Viêm họng áp tơ dễ tãi phát và gây nhiều đau đớn cho người bệnh

2. Some foods cause aphthous sore throat

The real cause of aphrodisiac is not really clear. However, there are a number of factors that can cause the disease, including: Injuries to the oropharyngeal cavity, teeth biting the oral mucosa, mouthwash containing sodium lauryl sulphate can also cause mouth ulcers, genetics. , food, bacterial infection, herpes virus infection, infectious disease (hand, foot and mouth, measles) Among them are some foods that can cause sore throat, including:
Spices or acidic foods such as: spicy foods, coffee, citrus, mint, tomatoes, alcohol, high-fat foods and fried foods such as ready-to-eat foods (chips, fried chicken, tallow, nuts), Carbonated drinks, garlic, onions. Other foods such as corn oil, sugar, molasses, honey, salt, soy sauce, vinegar,... Sensitive, allergic to certain foods such as chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, cheese, pineapple...; A diet lacking in vitamin B12, zinc, folate, and iron often causes damage to the skin and mucous membranes, including the oral mucosa.

3. Clinical manifestations of aphthous pharyngitis

Disease manifests as small painful red macules or papules preceded by ulcers, circular ulcers, usually a few mm in size, central depression covered with fibrin white-gray pseudomembranous membrane, clearly demarcated, individually, with slightly raised margins. , surrounded by a red halo. Location of palate, oropharynx. Small aerators have 1 - 5 pieces, large aerators usually have 1 - 10 pieces, ecpet-shaped aerators have up to 100 pieces.

Viêm họng áp tơ biểu hiện là các vết loét tròn có phủ giả mạc trắng xám fibrin
Viêm họng áp tơ biểu hiện là các vết loét tròn có phủ giả mạc trắng xám fibrin

4. Diet for patients with aphthous pharyngitis

Principles of food selection for patients with aphthous pharyngitis
Prioritize soft and less spicy foods to make it easier to eat. Foods that are too dry, crunchy or hard will also make the ulcer more painful. Avoid acidic foods and drinks because acidity can make mouth sores worse. Avoid spicy and salty foods because these spicy foods can make you feel uncomfortable when eating. Recommended foods:
Black tea: black tea helps you relieve pain. Therefore, you should drink black tea every day. Yogurt: Yogurt contains the beneficial bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus, which has the ability to fight harmful bacteria in the mouth and help reduce ulcers. Carrots: Carrots contain a substance that helps treat sore throats very well, beta-carotene. Drink tapioca flour or apply honey. These natural ingredients also contribute to effective ulcer relief. Drink beet juice. Radish juice helps reduce ulcers Eat spinach, spinach, red amaranth: These are green vegetables to cook soup with shrimp, meat has a cooling effect and is very delicious, easy to eat. Drink lettuce, gotu kola juice. Actively drinking fish lettuce juice, gotu kola juice 3 times a day also helps to clear heat effectively. Eat a lot of green fruits such as watermelon, blueberry, cherry, papaya, banana... Because these are the fruits that help detoxify and clear heat very well. Drink plenty of water to keep your body from drying out. You can drink filtered water or cool drinks such as tapioca starch, corn silk, orange juice, lemon juice, etc. to help promote faster ulceration. In addition, it is necessary to eat enough nutrients, especially foods containing a lot of vitamins C, PP, B6, B12 such as: green vegetables of all kinds, ripe fruits, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, meat, fish, eggs, milk. .. to prevent mouth ulcers caused by vitamin deficiency of this type.

Ăn nhiều rau xanh và trái cây để bổ sung đủ vitamin cho cơ thể
Ăn nhiều rau xanh và trái cây để bổ sung đủ vitamin cho cơ thể

Foods to avoid:
Acidic foods: Acidic foods make ulcers in the mouth worse. Even the citric acid in these fruits makes the mouth appear more ulcers. Coffee: Coffee contains salicylic acid, which can irritate the sensitive tissues in the mouth, which in turn causes canker sores. Chocolate: Sometimes an allergy to the cocoa in chocolate can also cause canker sores. Spicy foods: Spicy foods containing chili peppers or other irritating ingredients can cause canker sores. Soft drinks: Soft drinks contain a lot of corn syrup and phosphoric acid, which can cause inflammation and sores. Stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking. Do not eat foods that cause allergies Go to the doctor when you have the following symptoms: sores that are abnormally large and large compared to the symptoms mentioned above; sores lasting more than 3 weeks; no pain relief despite taking pain relievers ; high fever or moderate fever that lasts for several days.
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