How to treat aphthous pharyngitis?

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Aphthous pharyngitis causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the patient, affecting eating and daily activities. Therefore, the diagnosis and combination of many treatment methods help the disease recover quickly and avoid recurrence.

1. Learn about aphthous pharyngitis

Aphthous pharyngitis is one of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa. Characterized by a small ulcer less than 1cm, oval or round with red margins, covered with yellow-gray pseudomembranous and red halo around the ulcer, appearing in the oropharynx accompanied by a lot of pain in the patient.
Aphthous pharyngitis is a disease of unknown etiology, there are a number of factors considered to be the cause of the disease: vitamin B12, PP, B6 deficiency, folic acid, iron, bacteria or viruses, allergies. drug or food reactions, endocrine disorders, genetics, immune disorders, stress, oropharyngeal trauma, ..
Symptoms of the disease are usually pain, discomfort, poor appetite, usually no fever and no lymphadenopathy.

Viêm họng áp tơ thường gây ra cảm giác đau đớn khó chịu cho người bệnh
Viêm họng áp tơ thường gây ra cảm giác đau đớn khó chịu cho người bệnh

2. Treatment of aphthous sore throat

Principles of treatment:
No need for drug treatment in mild cases in young people with good resistance. The disease can clear up on its own within 2 weeks. It is only necessary to use oral hygiene water and follow a suitable diet to avoid aggravation of the disease. In case you see more redness, pain, fever, fatigue, you may suspect an infection and use antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. If aphthous pharyngitis persists for more than 3 weeks without any signs of self-healing, it is necessary to examine and conduct a biopsy at the hospital to rule out other malignancies. A healthy diet can reduce discomfort and prevent recurrence. Use pain relievers such as Acetaminophen if the pain is severe, antibiotics in case of bacterial superinfection. Treat it with certain topical medications, mouthwashes, or home remedies that help heal the sores. Specific treatment
Mouthwash containing Chlorhexidine: relieves pain, accelerates wound healing, prevents superinfection of ulcers but does not reduce new ulcer formation. Usually taken 2 times a day. In addition, you can gargle with 0.9% physiological saline, mouthwash containing dexamethasone, steroids to reduce pain and inflammation in severe cases.

Sử dụng nước súc miệng có chứa Chlorhexidine để giảm đau và mau lành vết thương
Sử dụng nước súc miệng có chứa Chlorhexidine để giảm đau và mau lành vết thương
Topical drugs: can use anti-inflammatory drugs containing triamcinolone or acetonide and immunomodulatory drugs cyclosporin, retinoid, silver nitrate applied to the lesion, helping to relieve pain immediately after application and heal the ulcer within 3-5 days. day. Oral steroid anti-inflammatory drugs: relieve pain, speed up wound healing. Some of the heartburn medications cimetidine (Tagamet) and colchicine, commonly used to treat gout, may be helpful for canker sores, prednisolone, antibiotics if a bacterial superinfection is present. However to be aware of the side effects of these medications Nutritional supplements, your doctor may prescribe a nutritional supplement if you are consuming low amounts of an important nutrient, such as (folic acid) folate. , vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and zinc, iron,...

3. Recurrence room

Brush teeth gently, using a soft brush and toothpaste to avoid trauma to the oropharynx. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Regularly eating yogurt that contains beneficial bacteria or can also help avoid sore mouth ulcers.

Bổ sung nhiều rau và trái cây cũng giúp ngăn ngừa bệnh tái phát
Bổ sung nhiều rau và trái cây cũng giúp ngăn ngừa bệnh tái phát

Daily toothpaste and mouthwash containing sodium lauryl sulfate or physiological saline. Try to avoid foods that seem to irritate your mouth and throat such as nuts, chips, cookies, spices, salty foods, fried foods, seafood, etc. Avoid eating foods have local stimulant properties such as: fish sauce, pepper, chili, spicy spices, caffeine, alcohol. Avoid staying up late, make sure you get enough sleep, work properly, rest properly to avoid prolonged fatigue, easy disease recurrence. 12% effectively help prevent disease, prevent superinfection If there are symptoms of ulcer development, abnormally larger than the symptoms mentioned above; sores lasting more than 3 weeks; no pain relief despite taking pain relievers ; high fever or moderate fever that lasts for several days. Customers should go to medical facilities for advice and examination.
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