Dizziness, dizziness, and heart palpitations are signs of what disease?

Đau nửa đầu bên phải kèm chóng mặt buồn nôn nên làm gì?

Hello doctor,
I often have dizziness, lightheadedness, heart palpitations and irritability, as well as negative thoughts every day. I think I might be having a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress. Currently, the most stressful thing for me is having to stay at home to work and study 100% online, gradually, my communication and expression skills are noticeably worse. At the same time, it is no longer possible to focus on any relationship. So the doctor asked me what are the signs of dizziness, lightheadedness with heart palpitations? What should I do to overcome this stress? I would like to thank the doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Huynh An Thien - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
With the question “What are the signs of dizziness, lightheadedness with heart palpitations? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Currently, if you have dizziness, vertigo, heart palpitations, stress, you first need to pay attention to focus when working and studying, in addition to increase exercise, drink lots of water, eat lots of green vegetables, have a reasonable study and rest regime, avoid staying up late, avoid using phones and computers a lot.
In addition, if tension headaches persist, you need to see a Neurologist for further examination.
If you still have questions about dizziness with heart palpitations, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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