AFP test results 12.5 ng/dl but the results of liver enzymes, anti-HBs 102 U/l hepatitis C are normal?

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Hello doctor! Yes, sir, can I ask for the AFP test result 12.5 ng/dl but the liver enzymes are normal, anti HBS 102 U/l hepatitis C is also normal, what's wrong? Thank you doctor!
Anonymous question
Hello! Please answer the question: "AFP test results are 12.5 ng/dl, but the results of liver enzymes, anti-HBs 102 U/l hepatitis C are normal?" As follows:
AFP is a marker of liver cancer, it will have diagnostic value if it is higher than 200 ng/dl. Your results cannot tell if you have liver cancer. You will need an ultrasound of the liver, followed by a liver CT/MRI if needed to evaluate for a liver tumor. You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more specific advice from doctors. Best regards!

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Answered by Master, Doctor Dao Duc Dung - Specialist in Gastroenterology - Hepatobiliary Disease - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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