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Articles in AFP

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When does AFP concentration in the liver increase?
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a protein produced mainly by the liver when the body is still in its infancy or in the presence of liver damage such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. This property makes the AFP test useful as a tumor marker. Therefore, the information below may be useful for patients with chronic liver damage, knowing one more tool for early detection of this malignant complication.
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AFP test results 12.5 ng/dl but the results of liver enzymes, anti-HBs 102 U/l hepatitis C are normal?
Hello doctor! Yes, sir, can I ask for the AFP test result 12.5 ng/dl but the liver enzymes are normal, anti HBS 102 U/l hepatitis C is also normal, what's wrong? Thank you doctor!
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AFP Quantitative Test
AFP là xét nghiệm được sử dụng là marker (chỉ dấu) hỗ trợ chẩn đoán ung thư gan, ung thư tế bào mầm ở người không có thai và sử dụng trong xét nghiệm sàng lọc trước sinh (Triple test) ở phụ nữ có thai để đánh giá nguy cơ bất thường nhiễm sắc thể 13, 18 và 21 cho thai nhi.
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Test for early detection of liver cancer
Liver cancer is the most common cancer, ranking 5th in men and 7th in women. Early detection is highly effective in treatment. Ultrasound and Tumor markers recommended for screening for early detection of liver cancer are now available, including AFP, PIVKAII (DCP) and AFP-L3. The following article summarizes the meaning and usage of these tests.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics