8 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux/GERD

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Posted by Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus and throat, causing heartburn, belching and burning pain in the chest along the breastbone. Besides treating GERD with medication, you can try some home remedies to reduce cases of acid reflux. Talk to your gastroenterologist about the following options.

1. What is Acid Reflux and GERD?

Acid reflux occurs when substances from the stomach move up into the esophagus. It is also known as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease, reflux esophagitis.
If you have acid reflux symptoms more than twice a week, you may have a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

2. Home Remedies for GERD

According to the Mayo Clinic, if you have acid reflux more than twice a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In this case, heartburn is just one of many symptoms, along with a cough and chest pain.
GERD is first treated with over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as antacids and lifestyle or dietary changes. Prescription medications may be needed in more severe cases to prevent damage to the esophagus.
Besides treating GERD with medication, you can try some home remedies to reduce cases of acid reflux. Talk to your gastroenterologist about the following options.

2.1. Towards a healthy body

While heartburn can happen to anyone, GERD seems to be most common in overweight or obese adults.
Excess weight, especially in the abdominal area, puts more pressure on the stomach. As a result, you have a higher risk of stomach acid working back into your esophagus and causing heartburn.
If you are overweight, make a plan to lose weight steadily from 0.5 to 1kg per week. On the other hand, if you're already at a healthy weight, then make sure you maintain it with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Ợ nóng là triệu chứng phổ biến ở những người trào ngược axit
Ợ nóng là triệu chứng phổ biến ở những người trào ngược axit

2.2. Know what foods and drinks to avoid

Regardless of your weight, there are certain foods and drinks that can increase your risk of acid reflux. With GERD, you should be especially wary of items that can lead to symptoms. Avoid the following foods and drinks:
Tomato sauces and other tomato-based products Fatty foods such as fast food products and greasy foods Fried foods Fruit juices citrus soft drinks Caffeine Chocolate Garlic Onions Mint Alcohol By limiting or completely avoiding these triggers, you may experience fewer symptoms.

2.3. Eat small meals

Eating smaller meals puts less pressure on the stomach, which can prevent backflow of stomach acid. By eating small amounts of food more often, you can reduce heartburn and eat fewer calories.
You also need to avoid lying down right after eating. Doing so can cause heartburn. The recommendations recommend lying down for three hours after eating. After going to bed, prop your head up with a pillow to avoid heartburn at night.

Ăn các bữa ăn nhỏ hơn gây áp lực lên dạ dày ít hơn, ngăn chặn trào ngược axit dạ dày
Ăn các bữa ăn nhỏ hơn gây áp lực lên dạ dày ít hơn, ngăn chặn trào ngược axit dạ dày

2.4. Eat foods that help

There is no magic food that can treat acid reflux. However, in addition to avoiding trigger foods, a number of other dietary changes may be helpful.
First, the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends eating a low-fat, high-protein meal. Then, reducing the amount of fat in your diet can ease your symptoms, while getting enough protein and fiber will keep you full and prevent overeating.
Try incorporating some of these foods into your diet to help reduce acid reflux. After each meal, you might even consider chewing non-mint gum. This can help increase saliva production in the mouth and prevent acid from leaving the esophagus.

2.5. Quit smoking

Smoking is a big problem for people with GERD.
Smoking damages the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the sphincter that is responsible for preventing stomach acid from backing up. When the muscles of the lower esophageal sphincter are weakened by smoking, you may experience heartburn more often. Secondhand smoke can also cause problems if you're fighting acid reflux or GERD.

Hút thuốc lá làm hỏng cơ vòng thực quản dưới (LES), cơ vòng có nhiệm vụ ngăn chặn axit trong dạ dày sao lưu
Hút thuốc lá làm hỏng cơ vòng thực quản dưới (LES), cơ vòng có nhiệm vụ ngăn chặn axit trong dạ dày sao lưu

2.6. Discover potential herbal therapies

The following herbs have been used for GERD:
Chamomile Licorice Marshmallow Root (Plastic Root) Slippery Elm The downside to these herbs is that there isn't enough research to prove that they're effective. possible treatment of GERD. Furthermore, they may affect medications you may be taking, so consult your doctor before use.

2.7. Avoid tight clothes

Wearing clothes that are too tight can increase acid reflux episodes. This is especially the case with pants and belts that are too tight. Both put unnecessary pressure on your abdomen, thus contributing to heartburn. To avoid acid reflux, loosen your clothing.

Mặc quần áo quá chật có thể làm tăng các đợt trào ngược axit
Mặc quần áo quá chật có thể làm tăng các đợt trào ngược axit

2.8. Try relaxation techniques

The esophageal muscles play a big role in keeping stomach acids down where they belong, so you can learn techniques that help relax both body and mind.
Yoga has great benefits by promoting awareness of the body and mind. In addition, you can try quiet meditation and deep breathing for a few minutes several times a day to lower your stress levels.
Home remedies can help relieve occasional heartburn, as well as some cases of GERD. When acid reflux is prolonged, uncontrolled, there is a higher risk of damage to the esophagus. This can include narrowing esophageal ulcers and even esophageal cancer.
However, it's important to know that home remedies alone may not be effective for acid reflux and GERD. Talk to a gastroenterologist about how some of these remedies can complement a medical treatment plan.
Department of Endoscopy - Gastroenterology is one of the key specialties at Vinmec International General Hospital. For timely examination, advice and treatment of digestive diseases, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online on the website for service.

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