Home Tag Stomach cancer

Articles in Stomach cancer

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Why does acid reflux cause shortness of breath?
Acid reflux causing shortness of breath not only brings discomfort in daily life, but it is also a warning sign that the condition of the disease is at risk of worsening.
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Can Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Cause Arrhythmias?
There are many causes of arrhythmias, such as stress, anxiety, the use of certain medications, anemia, fever, dehydration, and low potassium levels in the blood. Additionally, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is also a factor that affects heart function.
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Frequent Feeling of Throat Obstruction: Be Alert to Esophageal Cancer
The sensation of a lump in the throat, difficulty breathing, or swallowing are common symptoms that can significantly affect daily life and health. These symptoms may indicate esophageal cancer or other health issues.
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What is the life expectancy for patients with esophageal cancer?
Esophageal cancer is a malignant disease with a high risk of death because it is often diagnosed at later stages. However, if detected early, the 5-year survival rate is greatly improved. If you wonder how long a patient with esophageal cancer can live, please read the information below.
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