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Articles in Acid reflux

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7 foods that help manage acid reflux symtoms
Acid reflux occurs when acid backs up from the stomach into the esophagus. This is common but can cause complications or bothersome symptoms, such as heartburn. One reason this happens is that the lower esophageal sphincter (LES ) is weakened or damaged.
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Can you use honey to treat acid reflux?
When over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription options are not suitable, some people are turning to natural remedies to relieve symptoms, including honey.
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Can ginger be used to treat acid reflux?
If you are dealing with the burning sensation of acid reflux, you have probably tried many treatments to get relief. While over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes can help, natural remedies, like ginger, can also ease your symptoms.
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Can You Use Lemon Water to Treat Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux is a common health condition. It can be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux causes inflammation and irritation in the esophagus. Despite being acidic, lemon water is believed by many to alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. Is this method effective and safe?
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What to Eat When You Have Bile Reflux?
Bile is a gastrointestinal fluid, produced by the liver to help digest fats and absorb nutrients. If your body cannot reabsorb it, it can lead to problems such as bile reflux.
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Why Can Coffee Cause Stomach Pain?
Coffee is a popular beverage, but many regular drinkers report experiencing stomach discomfort or even more severe complications after consumption. What ingredients in coffee might contribute to this reaction?
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Acid Reflux and Peanut Butter: What You Should Know
Acid reflux, the uncomfortable backflow of stomach acid into your esophagus, is often triggered by your eating habits. Eating the wrong foods will undoubtedly make you feel bloated or experience acid reflux. Certain foods are known to trigger acid reflux more than others, including peanut butter. Learn more about acid reflux and peanut butter below.
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