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Articles in Stress test

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What happens during stress testing?
During the test, the body is more active and requires more energy, so the heart has to pump more blood. The test can show whether the blood supply of the arteries that feed the heart is adequate. Stress testing also helps your doctor know what type and level of physical activity is right for you. Stress testing is done with a treadmill or a bicycle ergometry.
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Sexual activity after heart surgery
Heart valve surgery is a surgical treatment that helps move from a severe or potentially unstable medical condition to a more stable one. Once the valve has been repaired or replaced, it does not mean that the heart disease has completely disappeared, so the patient still needs to continue to monitor and have a reasonable lifestyle after surgery. Special attention should be paid to the issue of sex so as not to affect cardiovascular health.
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Principles of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is a subclinical technique to help evaluate cardiac perfusion function, aiming to find the cause of some cardiovascular diseases that appear with only chest pain. In addition to finding the cause to diagnose the disease, cardiac scintigraphy is also used as a means to evaluate patients after a myocardial infarction, from which there are further indications for the patient.
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How to detect aortic stenosis?
Aortic stenosis accounts for up to 25% of all heart valve diseases, with 80% of sufferers being men. Cardiovascular diseases in general have similar symptoms, so are there ways to detect aortic stenosis?
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Purpose of the 6 minute walking test
Test đi bộ 6 phút cũng là một cách thức giúp người bệnh tự luyện tập tại nhà hằng ngày, cải thiện sức khỏe của bản thân. Đây cũng là một cách thăm khám chức năng của các hệ cơ quan trên lâm sàng là đánh giá khả năng gắng sức của người bệnh.
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Advantages and disadvantages of stress electrocardiogram
The use of exercise measures to detect some cardiovascular diseases and help predict disease without the use of invasive measures. Accordingly, exercise electrocardiogram is the method of examination due to the change of the waves on the electrocardiogram when the patient is physically active.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics