Home Tag Soft tissue infection

Articles in Soft tissue infection

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Uses of Acigmentin 1000
Acigmentin 1000 has Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid as the main ingredients. Acigmentin 1000 is available as a film-coated tablet. Patients follow the article below to know what is Acigmentin 1000? Dosage and how to use Acigmentin 1000?
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Uses of Mahacillin Sachet
Mahacillin Sachet is an antibiotic that is prepared in the form of an oral mixture. The drug is useful in the treatment of certain infectious diseases. To better understand the use of Mahacillin Sachet, please read and follow the content in the following sharing!
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Uses of Yungpenem
Yungpenem belongs to the group of anti-infective, anti-parasitic, antifungal and antiviral drugs. The drug is prepared in the form of powder for injection, packed in a box of 10 vials. The main ingredients of Yungpenem are Cilastatin (as Cilastatin sodium) 500mg and Imipenem (as imipenem hydrate) 500mg. Follow the article below to know what Yungpenem is? Dosage and how to use?
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Uses of Asiclacin 500
Asicacin 500 is manufactured and registered by Sao Kim Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. So what is Asiclacin 500 used for? how to use? Let's find out more through the article below.
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What is cellulitis?
Viêm mô tế bào là bệnh nhiễm trùng do vi khuẩn gây ra ở các lớp sâu của da, thường khởi phát đột ngột và đe dọa đến tính mạng nếu không được điều trị kịp thời. Trong bệnh cảnh viêm mô tế bào, hàng rào bảo vệ da thường bị tổn thương gây ra sự nhiễm khuẩn nhanh chóng và lan tỏa.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics