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Articles in Sigmoid colon

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Suspected colon tumor, sigmoid colon, liver detected some tumors should do?
Hi Doctor! I went for an ultrasound and the results showed that I suspected colon tumor, sigmoid colon found that the liver had a few scattered tumors in the liver. The sonographer asked me to go to the hospital to do the necessary tests because he suspected that I had metastatic colon cancer to the liver.
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Distribution of colonic diverticulum location
Colonic diverticula are pouch-like structures that develop in the wall of the colon, most commonly in the sigmoid and left colon, but can also involve the entire colon. When these diverticula become inflamed, it causes diverticulitis. Medical imaging and colonoscopy play a very important role in diverticulitis of the colon, the means above not only help diagnose and evaluate the colonoscopy accurately, but also help guide treatment and treatment. treatment and monitoring progress.
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Anatomy of colonic diverticulum
To better understand diverticulitis and colonic diverticulitis, a thorough understanding of the anatomy and function of the intestine is essential. The small intestine is a long, thin segment of intestine that begins in the stomach and ends in the large intestine or colon. The colon begins at the right iliac fossa, is shaped like a large question mark, crosses the entire abdomen and ends at the rectum.
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Treatment of intestinal obstruction due to acute diverticulitis through gastrointestinal endoscopy
Colonic diverticulum is a common disease in the elderly, the disease usually does not cause symptoms, unless these diverticula become inflamed, also known as diverticulitis. Therefore, patients need to pay attention, detect and treat to avoid dangerous complications.
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Why do you have diverticulitis?
Diverticulitis is a disease with one or more inflamed diverticula. Inflammation spreads to surrounding fatty tissue, sometimes perforation of the diverticulum leads to abscess formation or peritonitis. Rarely, a colonic fistula may form with the bladder, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina.
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Flexible colonoscopy without biopsy
Đại tràng là một tạng rỗng nằm trong khoang bụng, nối liền hồi tràng và trực tràng. Đại tràng dài khoảng 150cm, đoạn đầu là manh tràng và đoạn cuối là đại tràng sigma, có hình dạng giống chữ xích ma. Chức năng chính của đại tràng là hấp thụ nước và khoáng chất còn lại sau khi một phần đã được hấp thu bởi ruột non và tích trữ phân cho đến khi được tống ra ngoài. Thế nhưng, bộ phận này lại thường xuyên mắc các bệnh lý như viêm, loét, polyp, ung thư,...
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Learn the surgical results report of invasive colon cancer
During colonoscopy and biopsies, samples are taken and processed and studied under a microscope by a specialized doctor with years of training called a pathologist (pathologist). The pathologist will then send the clinician a report giving the diagnostic conclusion for each biopsy specimen. This report helps manage your healthcare. The questions and answers below are intended to help you understand the medical terminology used in the pathology report you receive for your biopsy.
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