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Articles in Sedative

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Components of anesthetics (sedatives)
Before some types of surgery, a person will be given a medicine to help them sleep and not feel pain. This drug is called a general anesthetic, given into the patient's body in two ways: intravenous injection and aerosol.
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Learn about inhalation anesthetics
Anesthesia is volatile through inhalation due to its volatile properties, easy absorption into the body and rapid effect, so the drug is often used to induce anesthesia, replacing injectable drugs.
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Mechanism of action of anesthetics
Anesthesia has been studied by researchers and plays an important part in medical surgeries to help patients not experience side effects. So what is the anesthetic made of and how does the mechanism of action of the anesthetic?
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The role of sedative-hypnotics and precautions when using
Sedatives are a group of drugs that slow down brain activity, creating a feeling of relaxation, so they are often used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders. This is a group of drugs that are easily abused and must be prescribed by a doctor. When drugs are used inappropriately, serious complications or dependence and addiction can occur.
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Amoxapine: Uses, indications and cautions when using
Depression is a common mental illness in modern society. There are many different classes of antidepressants, one of which is Amoxapine. So what is Amoxapine and how is it used?
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Side effects of sleeping pills
Sleeping pills or sedatives that induce sleep are commonly used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, insomnia, and poor sleep. However, in addition to the treatment effect, sleeping pills can cause some unwanted side effects, affecting the patient's health. To use drugs safely and effectively, understanding the side effects of sleeping pills is indispensable.
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Nortriptyline HCL: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Nortriptyline HCL is indicated for the treatment of mental problems such as depression, anxiety, ... to help patients improve mood and happiness, reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, and increase patient's energy level.
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Valium drug: Uses, indications and precautions when using
One of the most popular drugs used today to treat anxiety or to treat alcohol withdrawal patients is Valium. For the most effective use, it is necessary to know the main uses, indications as well as contraindications and side effects caused by the drug.
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Alertness Aid: Uses, indications and precautions when using
There are many measures to help the body stay awake, in which the use of drugs is a quite effective option. Alertness Aid drug is one of the drugs that help users become more awake, anti-drowsy very effectively. So what is the anti-drowsy drug Alertness Aid?
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Some drugs should not be taken while driving
Many health experts advise road users to be cautious when taking drugs before operating any type of vehicle, whether driving a car, driving a train, plane or boat,... Because some drugs It can make you drowsy and lose your consciousness while driving.
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Chlorzoxazone: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Chlorzoxazone is a muscle pain medication used to relieve pain and stiffness caused by muscle strains and sprains. The drug is often used in combination with physical therapy, pain medication and reasonable rest.
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