Home Tag Screening for colorectal cancer

Articles in Screening for colorectal cancer

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Colon polyps in children: What you need to know
Colon polyps are quite common in children. Colon polyps in children often progress silently, without many symptoms in the early stages, so early diagnosis and detection are often difficult.
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Note for re-examination after colon polyp removal
Colon polyps are benign tumors in the colon. However, if they continue to progress, they can become malignant, developing into cancer. Therefore, early detection and treatment of colon polyps with colon polypectomy will help prevent unpredictable risks later.
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Afraid of colonoscopy to screen for cancer - there are still other methods
Since about 2000, the colonoscopy method has been widely recommended by doctors for patients over 50 years old to screen for colon cancer. But in recent years, some in the medical field have called for a change of tack. There are, they say, equally effective tests that are less invasive and less challenging than colonoscopy.
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Barriers to colorectal cancer screening due to Covid-19
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most diagnosed and the second highest cause of death worldwide. The application of colorectal cancer screening has improved morbidity and mortality. However, as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic began, healthcare resources were dwindling away from colorectal cancer screening services, leaving the number of patients waiting for screening tests to continue. backlog filter.
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The role of screening colonoscopy after surgery for colorectal cancer, avoiding recurrence
Surgery is the indicated treatment for about 80% of patients with colorectal cancer that has not metastasized, however, even when radical surgery is combined with chemotherapy and radiation, the possibility of colorectal cancer is high. Recurrence of the rectum is still very high if the disease is not monitored and screened periodically after surgery. Laparoscopic method is included in the screening techniques for colorectal cancer after surgery.
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10 screenings women over 65 should do
Bước vào tuổi 65, phụ nữ thường phải đối mặt với nhiều vấn đề sức khỏe. Để sàng lọc ngăn ngừa các bệnh lý nguy hiểm, cũng như phát hiện sớm để điều trị kịp thời các vấn đề sức khỏe, phụ nữ độ tuổi 65 nên thực hiện các xét nghiệm dưới đây.
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How to detect colorectal cancer early?
Tại Việt Nam, theo con số thống kê 2018 với dân số 96.491.142: Số ca bệnh ung thư mới mắc hàng năm là 164.671 người, tỷ lệ mắc 140/100.000 người-năm, số chết 114.871 người/năm. Trong đó Ung thư đại trực tràng là: 14.733 ca (8.9% các loại ung thư).
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The role of imaging in the evaluation of colorectal cancer
Ung thư đại trực tràng là ung thư ruột kết hoặc trực tràng. Bệnh thường được chẩn đoán bằng các phương pháp như: nội soi, nội soi CT hoặc thuốc xổ bari tương phản không khí. Ngoài ra, bác sĩ cũng có thể yêu cầu người bệnh chụp CT bụng và CT, PET-CT, MRI vùng chậu hoặc siêu âm qua nội soi để đánh giá tình trạng ung thư cũng như tìm kiếm dấu hiệu lây lan.
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Is colorectal cancer curable?
Currently, surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment for patients with colorectal cancer. In addition, combination therapy (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, resection of metastases) increases survival in selected cases.
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Colorectal cancer
The article was written by MSc.Dr.
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Cologuard colon cancer test
Colon cancer is treatable, but early detection is an important part of the survival rate of those with the disease. Colon cancer detected at its earliest stage has a survival rate of 90% 5 years after diagnosis. One of the current methods of colon cancer screening is Cologuard. This is a test that detects abnormal DNA and traces of blood in your stool. This article will help you understand more information surrounding this test.
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