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Articles in Primary cancer

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Bevacizumab vascular antibiotic therapy in cancer treatment
Bevacizumab is an antibiotic that is used to treat certain cancers. Thanks to the development of science and technology, vascular antibiotic therapy with Bevacizumab helps increase the survival time of patients up to 18 - 20 months.
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Learn how DWIBS can detect cancer early
Phương pháp chụp DWIBS (Diffusion-weighted Whole body Imaging with background suppression) là kỹ thuật chụp cộng hưởng từ khuếch tán toàn thân xóa nền. Mục đích của kỹ thuật này là đánh giá tổn thương của toàn cơ thể trong việc phát hiện sớm ung thư, hạch bạch huyết, phân tích cũng như theo dõi các tổn thương ác tính.
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What is head and neck cancer?
Head and neck cancers usually start in squamous cells that line the moist mucosal surfaces of the inside of the head and neck (for example, inside the mouth, nose, and throat). Squamous cell cancers are often referred to as head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
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Efficacy of combined radiation therapy with chemotherapy in cancer treatment
Cancer treatment has many different methods such as: surgery, radiotherapy (local and regional treatment) and systemic treatment (chemotherapy, hormone therapy)... So the combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy How effective is the treatment?
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Diagnosis and treatment of metastatic cancer
Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells to new areas of the body, usually by the lymphatic system or the blood. Metastatic cancer, or metastatic tumor, is a disease that has spread from the original site, or where it started, into different areas of the body. This article will outline the current methods of diagnosing metastatic cancer and how to treat it.
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Signs of metastatic cancer
During metastasis, cancer cells break away from where they first formed (primary cancer), travel through the blood or lymphatic system, and form new tumors (metastatic tumors) in different parts of the body. other part of the body. This article will look at some of the signs of metastatic cancer.
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What is metastatic cancer?
During metastasis, cancer cells break away from where they first formed (primary cancer), travel through the blood or lymphatic system, and form new tumors (metastatic tumors) in other areas of the body. other parts of the body. Metastatic tumors are the same type of cancer as the primary tumor.
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How does metastatic cancer develop?
Metastatic cancer means the cancer has spread to another part of the body from where it started. When this happens, doctors say that the cancer has metastasized. But these terms can have different meanings. For example, a cancer that has not spread to another body part can also be called advanced cancer or locally advanced cancer.
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How does cancer recur?
Many patients after being cured of cancer, after a period of time, there are signs of cancer recurrence and must continue to return to treatment. So why does cancer recur and how to deal with it?
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Understanding Cancer Recurrence
Recurrence of cancer is a condition in which cancer cells recur again after a patient has finished treatment, and the tumor is no longer detected in the body for a while.
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When the cancer comes back
After successful treatment, cancer can still come back after a while in that organ or surrounding areas or metastasize to another organ in the body.
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