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Articles in Plan your network

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Acute peritonitis: What you need to know
Acute peritonitis is a very dangerous surgical disease. If not treated promptly, it can lead to serious complications, even death.
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What is peritoneum?
The peritoneum is the largest serosa in the body, and has the function of covering and protecting all the organs in the abdomen. In addition, the peritoneum also makes the structure of the internal organs more solid.
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Is peritonitis dangerous?
The peritoneum is the largest serosa in the body, and has the function of covering and protecting all the organs in the abdomen. Peritonitis is a serious surgical disease with a high mortality rate and is life-threatening if not treated early.
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Acute peritonitis: Need early surgery
Viêm phúc mạc cấp là một bệnh lý nặng, nếu không được can thiệp kịp thời bệnh nhân sẽ có nguy cơ cao tử vong. Phẫu thuật viêm phúc mạc cấp cần được thực hiện càng sớm càng tốt trên cơ sở hồi sức tích cực.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics