Home Tag Peripheral artery occlusion

Articles in Peripheral artery occlusion

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Beware of lower extremity peripheral artery occlusion
Peripheral artery occlusion of the lower extremities is one of the serious diseases that not only affects health but also poses a risk of amputation necrosis, even death.
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Acute arterial occlusive disease of the extremities
Acute lower extremity arterial occlusive disease is a cardiovascular surgical emergency, a disease with diverse and complex developments that leads to lack of blood supply to the occluded limb. If not diagnosed and treated promptly, it will lead to limb necrosis, especially death due to septic shock state of the whole body.
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An overview of arteriosclerosis
Arteritis is a slow progression, difficult to diagnose and easily confused with other diseases, so if not treated promptly, it will lead to serious consequences such as systemic infection, amputation of a necrotic limb, or even amputation. even death.
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Learn about peripheral artery disease
Peripheral artery disease refers to stenosis, incomplete occlusion, complete occlusion or aneurysm of one or more arterial segments causing symptoms of ischemia in a limb or organ. The main manifestation is pain, cyanosis, necrosis with different properties.
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The dangers of peripheral artery occlusion
Peripheral artery occlusion is a silent disease or manifests itself but is not obvious, causing treatment delay and patients suffering severe sequelae such as amputation due to gangrene.
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Peripheral artery occlusion: What you need to know
Tắc động mạch ngoại biên, bệnh lý gây nhiều hậu quả nghiêm trọng, có thể dẫn tới tàn phế, hiện chưa được nhiều người biết đến.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics