Home Tag Mitral valve stenosis

Articles in Mitral valve stenosis

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The outlook for people with mitral stenosis
Mitral stenosis is one of the heart diseases that will get worse over time, when the heart valves are attacked and deformed by immune complexes. Unfortunately, mild mitral stenosis often causes few symptoms. Therefore, when patients come to the hospital for examination, it is often late, the heart valve is very narrow, leading to heart failure.
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Clinical and subclinical symptoms of mitral stenosis
Mitral stenosis is one of the serious heart diseases over time, when the heart valve is attacked by immune complexes and gradually deformed. However, mild mitral stenosis often has few clinical manifestations, only when it is detected by laboratory examination, most of them have progressed to the severe stage leading to heart failure.
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In what cases is minimally invasive open-heart surgery indicated?
Minimally invasive open-heart surgery is an inevitable trend of medicine in the world as well as in Vietnam because of the outstanding advantages that this method brings in cardiovascular surgery.
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Learn the technique of percutaneous balloon angioplasty
Percutaneous balloon dilation is a non-surgical treatment for valvular stenosis. This is a simple procedure, minimally invasive, the patient remains fully awake during the procedure and the recovery time is very fast. Let's find out the basic information about this technique in the article below.
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Coughing up blood in mitral stenosis and what you need to know
Theo các thống kê ở Việt Nam, số lượng bệnh nhân mắc chứng hẹp van 2 lá khá lớn. Đây là hiện tượng van 2 lá bị hẹp làm hạn chế lượng máu chảy qua. Tuy là một bệnh lý tim mạch, nhưng một số bệnh nhân mắc bệnh lại xuất hiện thêm tình trạng ho ra máu. Vậy vì sao hẹp van tim lại dẫn đến hiện tượng này?
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