Home Tag Liver detoxification

Articles in Liver detoxification

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Liver Cleansing: Is it Really Possible to Detoxify?
Detoxing, cleansing or detoxifying the liver is known for removing toxins from the body, helping with weight loss or improving health. Everyone wants to do positive things for their health. But you should know that liver detoxification really doesn't have much benefit.
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How does the liver detox?
The liver represents the human body's key filtration system, converting toxins into waste, cleaning the blood, and metabolizing nutrients and medications to provide the body with several important proteins. So how does the liver detox? And how to keep the liver healthy?
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Diarrhea after taking male medicine is what to do?
Three children are 1m72 tall, weigh 45kg, are being treated for tuberculosis of the lungs and liver, currently suffering from severe fibrosis (in the stage where the poison enters the liver but cannot be filtered and transferred to the brain). Because the family was worried about taking male medicine for drinking, the first dose was severe diarrhea, from afternoon to evening there was a lot of loose stools. Please ask the doctor what happens to the diarrhea after taking the male medicine?
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How to recover and restart your liver?
Many people are having difficulty in how to recover and restart the liver?! Read more articles below to get the right and effective solutions to restore your liver health.
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Things you should know before taking liver tonics
Although the liver serves as the body's primary filtration and detoxification system, supplement manufacturers like to suggest that the liver can use its own method of detoxification. In this article, we take a look at what you should know before taking liver supplements to see if these products work.
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Is it possible to cleanse and detoxify the liver?
The liver is where the work takes place to detoxify our blood, produce bile needed to digest fats, break down hormones, and store essential vitamins, minerals and iron. When liver function is not optimal, we cannot properly digest food, especially fat. That is why it is important to cleanse and detoxify the liver. The article will help with effective ways.
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Is there any way to detox liver at home?
The liver is an important part of the body's digestive system. Everything that you eat or drink, including medications, passes through the liver. You need to take measures to detox the liver properly so that the liver can be healthy and do its job well. Taking care of your liver is more than just avoiding what's bad than eating or drinking things that are especially nutritious for your liver. Here are effective solutions to help detox the liver at home.
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How to use liver tonics safely?
Replenishing, restoring and detoxifying the liver are the top concerns of patients with liver diseases. Besides treatment drugs under the guidance of specialists, patients have spent a lot of time and money to find and buy antidote to liver, restore liver function. However, an extremely important issue is how to use liver tonic to bring the highest efficiency?
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What leaves to drink to cool the liver?
According to Dr. Nguyen Thuy Trang, Center for Traditional Medicine Vinmec Sao Phuong Dong: The following 8 types of leaves are effective in cooling the liver, detoxifying the liver, but also strengthening your liver's protective barrier from bad agents.
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Caffeine: How much is too much?
Caffeine là một chất tự nhiên được tìm thấy trong nhiều loài thực vật và được điều chế thành phụ gia thực phẩm, thuốc. Vậy sử dụng thế nào để tránh tình trạng quá liều caffeine?
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