What leaves to drink to cool the liver?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Dr. Nguyen Thuy Trang, Vinmec Sao Phuong Dong Traditional Medicine Center
According to Dr. Nguyen Thuy Trang, Center for Traditional Medicine Vinmec Sao Phuong Dong: The following 8 types of leaves are effective in cooling the liver, detoxifying the liver, but also strengthening your liver's protective barrier from bad agents.

1. Gotu kola

Gotu kola not only helps detoxify the liver but also beautifies the skin and prevents cardiovascular diseases very well. If you have liver heat, you should drink 3-4 glasses of gotu kola juice / 1 week to replace the liver detoxifier quite effectively. However, you should not drink more than 1 month because it will be harmful to the digestive tract.

2. Green tea leaves

According to Oriental medicine, green tea is a type of leaf that has the ability to cool the liver and detoxify extremely well. Because in green tea leaves contain a lot of natural antioxidants in addition to cooling the liver, eliminating stress, fatigue, eliminating toxins and bringing brighter skin. However, you should note that you should not drink green tea on an empty stomach because it is not good for the stomach.

3. Plantain leaves

You can use plantain leaves to cool the liver by cooking with lean meat or drinking water to detoxify the liver. However, pregnant women and people with weak kidneys should consider using this leaf!

4. ATISO flower

Not only cools the liver, but artichokes also help laxatives, diuretics, good for the liver, and lower cholesterol. Whether used in fresh or dried form, it is okay because they are all effective remedies to help you detox your liver. If using fresh tea, you should only use 10 to 20g cooked with water if daily or 5 to 10g if using dry tea. With packaged tea, you should only drink 2-3 bags, a day is enough. Like the above leaves, you should not overdo it because too much of it will not work effectively but also cause other side effects.

5. Dandelion

Belonging to the top male drugs for liver detoxification according to traditional Eastern medicine, dandelion has a bitter taste, cool properties, has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, lactation, diuretic... It is very good for the liver and biliary system. , it can control the amount of fat in the body, helping to enhance the liver's detoxification function. In particular, it has the ability to prevent the risk of liver heat extremely well similar to the above types.

6. Mango leaves

This leaf is quite familiar to many families because it is used as daily drinking water instead of filtered water. Just wash it and bring it to a boil and you can drink it hot or cold. In addition to cooling the liver, the water also helps diuretic, refreshment, and cooling effect.

7. Ha Chau leaves

The leaves of Ha Chau are often called with a more common name than the serrated dog tree. This type of leaf contains a large amount of bitter active ingredients such as hypophyllanthin and phyllathin that have the effect of curing liver heat, while helping diuretics, enhancing kidney function as well as helping the digestive system work better. The ingredients in medicinal herbs also help prevent the development of viruses that cause hepatitis, support to strengthen the body's resistance. However, you should not use it for a long time because it can cause liver cold leading to cirrhosis.

8. Pot leaves

Belonging to the group of leaves that cool the liver, the leaves are quite familiar in Oriental medicine and have the effect of reducing fever effectively and cooling the liver effectively. According to experts, using black pot can help purify the body quite well, support symptoms of hot heart and kidney very well, in addition, it is also known to improve liver function, cure liver problems, wine. skin.
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