Home Tag Hyperplastic polyps

Articles in Hyperplastic polyps

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Colon polyps and progression to cancer
Colon polyps are tumor-like lesions that can be pedunculated or sessile. They are formed by the overgrowth of the colonic mucosa. Colon polyps are mostly benign, but there are some cases where polyps turn malignant and have the potential to progress to colon cancer or colorectal cancer.
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Classification of colon polyps
A polyp is a protrusion on the surface of the colon's epithelial lining. Colon polyps can be pedunculated or have broad legs. Histologically, colonic polyps can arise from either the epithelial layer (adenoma, hyperplastic polyp) or the stromal layer (hamartoma).
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Understanding familial colon polyps
Familial colon polyps are classified as a rare genetic disease in clinical practice. This inherited type of polyp causes colon polyps, affects several organ functions in the body and needs to be treated as soon as possible to prevent them from developing into cancer.
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How to remove colorectal polyps?
Colorectal polyps are quite common diseases, when diagnosed with this disease, patients are often very worried and do not know whether they have colorectal cancer or not. Can colorectal surgery to treat or how?
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Common types of gastric epithelial polyps
Epithelial polyps are the most common gastric polyps, which are masses of cells that form on the inner lining of the stomach. Stomach polyps usually do not cause any signs or symptoms. The disease is often detected in patients during gastroscopy and accounts for a fairly high rate - up to 25%.
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Are rectal polyps dangerous?
Today, I went to the doctor and discovered that I had a benign 0.3 cm polyp in the rectum. The doctor reminded me to re-examine 6 months later, if the polyp is bigger, I will remove it. Doctor let me ask, is rectal polyp dangerous?
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Are polyps cancerous?
Polyps often appear in the colon and stomach with the number from a few to thousands. This condition is quite common today, but not everyone understands the nature of this damage.
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Some types of stomach polyps
Polyp dạ dày là tổn thương lồi nhô lên so với bề mặt niêm mạc dạ dày. Polyp dạ dày thường được phát hiện tình cờ, gặp ở 2-3% bệnh nhân nội soi tiêu hóa trên, hiếm gây triệu chứng như chảy máu hoặc làm chậm tiêu. Tuy nhiên việc chẩn đoán và xử trí thích hợp rất quan trọng vì một số polyp có nguy cơ ung thư.
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