Home Tag Gastric varicose veins

Articles in Gastric varicose veins

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Uses of Sandostatin
Sandostatin medicine has the main active ingredient is Octreotide acetate and other excipients in sufficient quantities. The drug is used in the treatment of tumors, cancer, ...
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Treatment of gastric varicose veins
Gastrointestinal varices are one of the causes of high gastrointestinal bleeding, although the rate of gastrointestinal bleeding due to gastric varices is lower than that of esophageal varices, the mortality rate is often higher. . Therefore, early treatment should help reduce the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
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The process of capturing and occluding gastric varicose veins through the skin digitized and erased the background
Gastrointestinal varices are one of the causes of high gastrointestinal bleeding. This is one of the common complications in patients with portal hypertension syndrome. Currently, there are many methods to treat varicose veins, but the treatment by embolization method of gastric varices brings high efficiency, low recurrence rate and less invasiveness than other methods.
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Digital scan to erase the background and occlusion of gastric varices
Chụp số hoá xoá nền và nút tắc búi giãn tĩnh mạch dạ dày được đánh giá thành công khi toàn bộ búi tĩnh mạch dạ dày giãn bị xẹp do xơ hóa, bệnh nhân không còn ngấm thuốc thông qua hình ảnh chụp CT scanner và các nhánh bàng không còn dòng chảy.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics