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Articles in Fucoidan

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Ingredients and uses of functional foods Fucoidan
Fucoidan supplements are derived from a slime found only in brown algae. This is a dietary supplement that has the effect of supporting the prevention of cancer cell growth, inhibiting blood vessel formation and supporting immunity.
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Kendai Fucoidan Super Plus health food: Ingredients, uses and instructions for use
Kendai Fucoidan Super Plus is a health food from Japan. The product has been certified for use and safety by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam and is distributed at pharmacies of Vinmec hospital pharmacy system.
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Nutrition for cancer patients
Bệnh nhân ung thư sẽ phải đối mặt với rất nhiều vấn đề, sức khỏe giảm sút, chính vì thế, chế độ dinh dưỡng đóng vai trò vô cùng quan trọng. Một kế hoạch thực đơn dinh dưỡng hoàn chỉnh sẽ góp phần tăng thể lực, sức đề kháng cho bệnh nhân ung thư và nâng cao hiệu quả điều trị bệnh.
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Signs and risks of bone cancer
Bone cancer is rare, but its incidence is increasing, prompting doctors to warn. Severe disease often presents with obvious signs and symptoms, causing serious health problems, even life-threatening.
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Blood cancer warning signs
Leukemia is a malignant disease that causes the white blood cell count to spike. There are many forms of blood cancer, the most common being leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. In general, the signs of blood cancer are quite late, with initial symptoms of illness and fever, which easily confuse and ignore patients.
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5 early signs of lung cancer you need to know
Early signs of lung cancer are rare, and there are no screening tests that detect the disease in its early stages. Therefore, most patients are diagnosed when the cancer has advanced and metastasized in the body. Therefore, people at high risk for lung cancer (current and former smokers) are encouraged to have a low-dose CT lung scan to screen for cancer.
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What happens to the body when chemotherapy treats cancer?
Currently, chemotherapy is one of the effective cancer treatments, it has the ability to eliminate and stop cancer cells in the body, helping patients improve quality of life and prolong life. . However, this method can affect the whole body after being treated.
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Colon Cancer: What you need to know
Colon cancer is the 4th leading cause of death in the world after lung, stomach and liver cancers. However, if detected at an early stage, the cure rate is up to 90%. Many people have lived well for more than 20 years after the diagnosis of the disease.
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15 common warning signs of cancer
Cancer often has no specific symptoms, so for prevention and early detection, people need to limit risk factors and implement appropriate cancer screening measures. Here are 15 warning signs of cancer that each person needs to pay attention to for timely examination.
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