Blood cancer warning signs

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Leukemia is a malignant disease that causes the white blood cell count to spike. There are many forms of blood cancer, the most common being leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. In general, the signs of blood cancer are quite late, with initial symptoms of illness and fever, which easily confuse and ignore patients.

1. Signs of Leukemia (Leukemia)

Blood cells are made in the bone marrow, including white blood cells, where Leukemia begins. This disease causes the body to produce abnormal white blood cells. Accordingly, white blood cells grow uncontrollably, last longer in the body than healthy white blood cells and do not help the body fight infections.
Some forms of the disease progress very quickly (acute). Symptoms appear like flu with sudden fatigue and weakness for no apparent reason. Some other forms of the disease have a longer course, the disease may not show symptoms for many years (chronic). Most patients are only discovered after an abnormal blood test result. Normally, white blood cells are responsible for protecting the body, but if increased in large numbers, it will be harmful, destroying red blood cells and platelets. This leads to the characteristic manifestations of leukemia as follows:
1.1. Signs of anemia Anemia occurs when the body does not produce enough red blood cells to supply the body. Signs of anemia include:
Feeling tired and weak; Shortness of breath; Dizzy; pale skin; Chest pain.

Mệt mỏi kéo dài, cơ thể ốm yếu là dấu hiệu cảnh báo của bệnh bạch cầu
Mệt mỏi kéo dài, cơ thể ốm yếu là dấu hiệu cảnh báo của bệnh bạch cầu
1.2. Hemophilia - a manifestation of leukemia Platelets are cells that help blood clot. When the body does not produce enough platelets to supply the body, a small cut also makes blood flow more than usual, you are also prone to nosebleeds. In addition, there are some notable symptoms as follows:
Unusual bruising; Bleeding gums; Appearance of red spots on the skin from broken blood vessels; Heavy menstrual bleeding. 1.3. Other warning signs Some other warning signs of leukemia include:
Fever and chills; Prolonged fatigue, ailing body; Frequent or severe infections; Weight loss; Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen; Easy bleeding or bruising; Repeated nosebleeds; Appearance of small red spots on the skin; Excessive sweating, especially at night; Bone pain. You should be screened if the above signs of blood cancer appear again and again.

Trắc nghiệm: Thử hiểu biết của bạn về bệnh ung thư

Ung thư là nguyên nhân gây tử vong hàng thứ 2 trên thế giới. Thử sức cùng bài trắc nghiệm sau đây sẽ giúp bạn có thêm kiến thức về yếu tố nguy cơ cũng như cách phòng ngừa bệnh ung thư.

Bài dịch từ:

2. Signs of Lymphoma

The lymphatic system is responsible for transporting lymphocytes - white blood cells that fight infection throughout the body. Lymphoma causes lymphocytes to grow out of control and reduces their ability to fight infections.
The main sign of lymphoma is swollen lymph nodes. Tumors can be easily felt in the neck, armpits, or groin. Deeper lymph nodes can compress organs in the body causing shortness of breath, chest, abdominal, or bone pain. The spleen becomes larger making you feel full or bloated. Swollen lymph nodes usually don't feel too painful unless you drink alcohol.
Some other signs of lymphoma may appear such as fever, night sweats, feeling tired, weight loss, itchy skin.

3. Signs of Multiple Myeloma

Plasma cells are cells that help fight disease in the blood. Multiple myeloma causes plasma cells to grow out of control, inhibiting the growth of healthy cells and releasing chemicals into the bloodstream that damage organs and tissues in the body.
Multiple myeloma comes in many different forms, some causing early and more severe symptoms than others. However, most symptoms usually only appear when you have had the disease for a certain time. Signs of multiple myeloma include:
3.1. Bone pain The most common sign of multiple myeloma is persistent and severe back or rib pain. Cancer cells release a chemical that stops the growth and repair of damage in bones, making them thin, weak, and fragile. Injury to the spine can increase pressure on nerves causing pain, leg weakness, tingling in the arms, bowel and bladder problems.
3.2. Hypercalcemia Multiple myeloma increases blood calcium levels. This can lead to:
Nausea and upset stomach ; Frequent urination and frequent thirst; Constipation ; Loss of appetite; Weak body; Wander; Kidney damage; Swollen ankles, difficulty breathing and itchy skin.

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Đa u tủy xương làm tăng lượng calci máu, có thể dẫn tới tình trạng đãng trí
3.3. Other warning signs of multiple myeloma Proteins released from cancer cells damage nerves, causing weakness, numbness, and pain in the arms and legs. Many myeloma cells crowd out healthy cells in the blood, causing problems related to bleeding, making the body anemic and more susceptible to infections.
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In general, types of cancer Both are very dangerous, but regular health check-ups are essential for early disease detection to treat symptoms, reduce treatment costs and increase survival rates. The general health checkup package at Vinmec International General Hospital fully provides customers with examination benefits and is completely different from performing a regular health check. The program is scientifically and practically designed to approach your entire health condition, and at the same time, early detection, timely intervention and treatment to minimize the complications of diabetes. life-threatening diseases. The general health examination should be carried out periodically from 6 months to 1 year / year to ensure that the body is always healthy and can detect and prevent diseases as soon as possible.
Customers can register for a general health checkup package in the Vinmec International General Hospital system here.

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