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Articles in Dysphagia

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Learn about the Schatzki ring of the esophagus
The ring of Schatzki is essentially a circular membrane of the mucosa and submucosa of the esophagus. The Schatzki rings appear as thin membrane structures that do not contain any muscular buffering but have the potential to cause narrowing of the esophageal lumen. Accordingly, Schatzki's ring is sometimes found as an explanation for dysphagia, choking on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.
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Swallowing problems: Dysphagia and swallowing disorders
Chứng khó nuốt là một trong những vấn đề rối loạn nuốt gây ra nhiều khó khăn cho bệnh nhân. Vấn đề này có thể xảy ra ở bất kỳ ai, nhưng thường gặp nhất là ở người cao tuổi hoặc trẻ sinh non, người gặp bất thường về não bộ/hệ thần kinh...
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Approach to the assessment of dysphagia in adults
Chứng khó nuốt là một triệu chứng cần được đánh giá nhanh chóng để xác định nguyên nhân chính xác và bắt đầu liệu pháp điều trị thích hợp. Nó có thể là do sự bất thường về cấu trúc hoặc nhu động trong việc chuyển thức ăn từ khoang miệng đến dạ dày.
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Speech and swallowing support for head and neck cancer survivors
Difficulty opening the mouth and swallowing after cancer treatment is common for tumors in the mouth or throat, or because of tumor treatment such as surgery or radiation therapy for these areas. Effects can vary from mild to severe problems with sensation and movement of the mouth. Read on to learn about some of the speech and swallowing aids for head and neck cancer survivors.
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Esophageal cancer with bone metastases
Esophageal cancer that metastasizes to bone is rare, but the prognosis is poor. Many studies have been conducted to identify independent risk factors for predicting the development of metastatic esophageal cancer, but the results are ambiguous. Meanwhile, the treatment of esophageal cancer with bone metastases by combining radiation therapy with chemotherapy can only improve the prognosis of patients from 1 to 8 months.
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